
On the main navigation bar, choose the Report option. Many types of reports are available:

Column reports Results are presented in columns.  The report output may be sorted and further filtered.  You can use these to create reports that utilize hierarchies of data
Summary reports These provide a count of issues within any criteria that you select.  You can sub-total on any fields selected to summarize.  Drill into the details of any number
Matrix reports After selecting which fields you want to see across and down, the report displays a count for each combination of the fields selected.  These reports may also display time-based results.  Drill into the details of any number
Aging reports These are used to break down how long different issues have been within different statuses.  Use these to find bottlenecks in your processes
Calendar reports Display the output in a calendar-style format to see when events are due.  Drill into the details of any issue or add new events to the calendar
Planning reports Use relationships between issues in your data to control the start and end date of different events.
Charts There are many inbuilt chart types such as pie, bar, area, line, pareto, u-chart, and c-chart
Taskboard reports Kanban-style reports that allow you to view many issues at a glance, and to move these around your organization, either in terms of assignees, priorities or any other criteria
Treegrid reports Display hierarchical information in collapsible / expandable sections on reports, complete with drilldowns
History Report Display historical data on issues
Dashboard reports Combine several charts and reports together into a single report to present summary information.  Complete with drilldowns
Custom reports The sky’s the limit!  If there is not an inbuilt report type, these are used to build your own
Container reports Combine several charts are reports together into a single report in Adobe PDF form
Geospatial reports Interactive and static output of your geo-coded data on maps of the globe
Administrative reports Without granting full administrative rights, provide users with a view to data such as user sign on logs

Most report types have access to a range of common features:

  • Output the results in a wide variety of options – browser, PDF, Excel, Word, text, XML
  • Conditional formatting of results – highlighting of results according to the data they present
  • Send documents to the internal document respository
  • Point-in-Time results – look at the data as it stood at any date in history
  • Output the report definition along with the data – ideal for regulatory reporting
  • Schedule reports – output one or many reports to be delivered via email
  • Drag-and-drop issues between reports within Workspaces to intuitively update data within the results