
There are many elements of security within ExtraView. The principal ones are:

  • User authentication – Each and every user must sign on to ExtraView with a valid combination of a user ID and a password.  Third party authentication tools such as LDAP, AD, SSO and SAML are supported
  • Security permission – Every object within ExtraView, such as every field and every program feature is protected with a security permission key. Each key can be given read or write access independently, allowing the administrator to completely hide the field or feature from a group of users, or allow them read-only access, or allow the user role to both read and update the object
  • Privacy groups – Individual users may be assigned access or no access to privacy groups that you create. As issues are inserted or updated they may be assigned to a privacy group. Only users who have access to a privacy group may see issues that are assigned to a privacy group. This is most commonly used to create a mechanism whereby all users within a single customer may see their own issues, but not other customer’s issues. However, your own internal users may see all the issues. You can also create two other categories of issues, those that are Private and can only be seen internally, and Public, that can be seen by every user
  • Passwords – these are always stored in encrypted form
  • Data transmission – The link from your computer bowser or mobile device to the ExtraView server will be encrpyted
  • Data Encryption – many field types within ExtraView can be encrypted within the database