Creating New Layout Types

To create a new layout type, click the administrative tab named Create and Maintain Layout Types. You can also access this screen from within the Design Center, by clicking the New button within the

The following screen appears:

Maintaining Layout Types

To add a new layout type, press the Add button and use the following screen:

Maintaining Layout Types

Adding a New Layout Type from the Design Center

Layout types must have a name, a title and a usage. The following usage values are valid: Screen, Report, Search, User Report.

If, and only if, you are creating a new layout type to be used as a repeating row, then complete the bottom section of the form. If you are creating a new repeating row layout type, then you also give this a name and a title. When you press the radio button to Create a new repeating row type these fields are shown. You can create a new layout type using an existing repeating row type, in which case you choose the option to Select an existing repeating row type. In this case you select the repeating row type from the list.

Note: The edit function allows you to delete layout types, whether they were created by yourself as an administrator, or created by ExtraView. You should not delete an ExtraView created layout type. ExtraView will not function correctly if you do so.