Display Settings

This section of behavior settings deals with Display settings. The available settings are:

Workflow menu- Display Settings Typical Value Description
ADMIN_LIST_SIZE 1000 This number will determine how many records will be displayed on any administrative list. If the number of rows to be displayed exceeds this behavior setting value, then the records are not immediately displayed. Instead, there will be a drilldown capability, with the administrator being able to search the list, or to use the first character of the entry they are searching for to see a limited number of entries. Note that if a negative number is used, then the functionality remains the same, except the search capability is compressed on the screen, to a single line
ADMIN_LIST_SIZE_MIN 50 Below this number, any admiistration list will not display the button which allows the set of filters to be displayed. This prevents the display of a button on moderate-sized lists where no filtering is typically needed
ALLOW_HELP YES When this is set to YES, tooltip help is displayed when placing the mouse over a field label on the add and edit screen and clicking on the field label will result in a pop-up window with help on the field. When the value is set to NO, no tooltip or pop-up window is generated
NO If this value is set to YES, then when a user clicks on a field within an embedded layout which causes a screen refresh, the screen is automatically scrolled to the top of the embedded layout. This can be useful if you have relatively long add and edit screens, as it takes the user to the same area of the screen on which they were working, as opposed to seeing the top of the form on each refresh. If this value is NO, the screen refresh leaves the user at the top of the form.
BG_ALT_COLOR #DEF0F8 Alternative background color for tables. Used as a complementary color to BG_COLOR
BG_COLOR #dddddd Background color for tables. Used as a complementary color to BG_ALT_COLOR
BORDER_COLOR #C7C9C7 Border colors on the Search / Report page
CACHE_AREA_PROJECT YES Specify YES to allow the caching of area/project dropdown lists in templates built internally from layouts. Specify NO to force a dynamic refresh of the area/project list for each screen refresh in add or edit mode. This should always be YES unless there is some dynamic list modification by USER_CUSTOM code.
CALENDAR_STYLE fancyblue Use this setting to set the color and style of the popup calendar used to select dates. Valid entries are aqua, bluexp, fancyblue, forest, green, greengrass, maroon, win2k, winter, winxp, wood and yellow
0 The number of seconds to wait after an add or edit screen begins loading to unlock the page for mouse clicks and input. The minimum, and the default setting is that ExtraView will wait for up to 20 seconds for an Ajax server response. This option should be set higher if you have a number of users who have very low bandwidth access to ExtraView and as a result, the add and edit screens take a very long time to load. This setting prevents the user seeing errors if they attempt to set a value in a field which causes a screen refresh, but the initial screen has yet to complete loading.
DATE_FORMAT DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi Default format for displaying date fields (do not include seconds)
DB_TIMEZONE PST The time zone of the database server and the reference from which all local times are calculated for each user. This value should be set on the initial installation of ExtraView, and it should not be altered from that time. Altering this behavior setting to a different time zone will cause all timestamps in the system to be displayed with a different value than with which they were created. Normally, this time zone should be the same time zone of the system clock of the server on which the installation resides. Note that you must restart the ExtraView server for this setting to take effect
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT MEDIUMDATE The system default date format for presenting user's data. This may be one of the following, with the result of the example shown:
SHORTDATE 11/28/03
MEDIUMDATE Nov 28, 2003
LONGDATE November 28, 2003
FULLDATE Friday, November 28, 2003
SHORTDATETIME 11/28/03 7:20 AM
MEDIUMDATETIME Nov 28, 2003 7:20:08 AM
LONGDATETIME November 28, 2003 7:20:08 AM WST
FULLDATETIME Friday, November 28, 2003 7:20:08 AM WST

In addition, this may be set to a custom format.  For example, you might set DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT to a value such as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss, in which case this becomes the default date format used to present dates to the user.  See the Appendix on date formats for an explanation of valid formats.

DEFAULT_CHART_FONT Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif The font used for the body of almost all pages. It is suggested that you provide three font names, in the order of preference, as different browsers, on different platforms may only have access to some of the fonts in the list
DEFAULT_PDF_FONT Arial The default font for selection as the text font for PDF's. It is essential that this font exists on the server and contains all the characters you are likely to display in Adobe PDF documents. This is particularly important if you are working in a double-byte language such as Japanese.
NO If you set this to a value of YES, then the report tree on the report screen will display report folders that have no reports stored within them.  The typical use is to hide these empty folders with a value of NO.
DISPLAY_SIGNON_PROD_INFO YES If this is set to a value of YES, ExtraView will display marketing information sourced directly from ExtraView's servers
DISPLAY_SIGNON_URL_1 http://prodinfo.extraview.com/ site/
This is the URL of the right-hand frame sent to the sign on page if DISPLAY_SIGNON_PROD_INFO is set to YES. Care should be taken to ensure you enter a valid absolute URL into this field
DISPLAY_SIGNON_URL_2 http://prodinfo.extraview.com/ site/
This is the URL of the left-hand frame sent to the sign on page if DISPLAY_SIGNON_PROD_INFO is set to YES. Care should be taken to ensure you enter a valid absolute URL into this field
EDIT_TAB_TITLE ExtraView - $$ID$$ This is a template for the title of browser tabs within edit screens.  Characters within $$ delimiters are required to be valid field names within the data dictionary.  Allow for the fact that browser tab titles are not very long, and therefore you may not see the entire title generated.  This setting is the system-wide default but a different template can be defined for each PROJECT in the system via the PROJECT list management utility.  Not all fields may be placed within the template.  Use any of these with safety:
  • ID
  • ALT_ID
  • AREA
  • Any text fields
EDITOR_TOOLBAR STANDARD This sets the toolbar for the HTML editor used in HTML Area fields and other screens. The possible values for this setting are BASIC, MODERATE, STANDARD, FULL or CUSTOM. CUSTOM toolbars must be supported with JavaScript code in the UserJavaScript.js file
EDITOR_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS NO This setting provides control over whether the toolbar buttons within HTML Area fields are visible when HTML Area fields are first displayed.  If set to NO, then the user clicks a button in the toolbar area to see the toolbar buttons, if set to YES, the toolbar buttons are visible when the screen is first displayed, and the user can click the icon to hide the buttons.
ENABLE_SPELLCHECK YES This setting enables and disables ExtraView's internal spellchecking software.  Many browsers offer a spell-checking feature, but this may be used in place of these.  See the Appendix entitled Spell Checker for more details.
FIXED_WIDTH_FONT 'Lucida Console', Courier, monospace Font used for the display of Print Text user defined fields and used for read-only description fields and old log area fields, if REPORT_WITH_FIXED_WIDTH_FONT is YES
FOLD_DISPLAY TRADITIONAL This setting controls the appearance of accordion folds on add and edit screens.  The values of TRADITIONAL, SIMPLE and THIN_LINE are supported.  This setting may be overriden for any Business Area and Project by editing the list values for the PROJECT field and setting a valid entry within that screen
FOLD_TEXT_POSITION 100 This specifies the character position at which to fold text lines in read-only fields with a display type of text area, print text and log area. You should not specify a number lower than 65. If you specify a high number, such as 99999, the text input will never be folded. Note that FOLD_WORD_POSITION has precedence over this setting
FOLD_WORD_POSITION 100 This specifies the character position at which to break up a long word in fields of Text Area, Print Text, and Log Area fields. You should not specify a number lower than 65. If you specify a high number, such as 99999, long words will never be broken up. This can be used in conjunction with FOLD_TEXT_POSITION. Set FOLD_WORD_POSITION to a high number if you make routine use of long URL’s in your text fields. This will ensure the URL’s are not broken onto more than one line, and that the user can click on the URL with success
GUI_VERSION   This setting provides the means to provide alternative GUI elements depending on the version of ExtraView.  Prior to version 12.1, this setting has no effect.  To keep backwards compatibility with the older GUI style, leave the setting blank.  For version 12.1, use a setting of 2019 to see the new styles
HIDE_MOBILE_SIGNON_SCREEN NO This setting may have the value of YES, NO or SIGNON_BUTTON.

When the value is NO, the User ID and Password fields are always visible.

When the setting is YES, the input fields for the User ID and Password are never viewable and the client is reliant on one or more of the behavior settings named MOBILE_DIRECT_ACCESS_1 through MOBILE_DIRECT_ACCESS_5 providing direct access to screens within ExtraView. 

When the value is SIGNON_BUTTON, there is a button with the title Sign On and when this is clicked, the User ID and Password fields become visible.

HIGHLIGHT_COLOR #FF0000 Highlight color for a table cell when you use a layout element attribute of FIELD HIGHLIGHT IF
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_ADD #FF0000 The color to indicate an added value between updates of a record, in history and email notifications
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DELETE #CCCCC The color to indicate a value deleted in an update of a record, in history and email notifications
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_UPDATE #ff0000 The color to indicate an updated value, in history and email notifications
HIGHLIGHT_TIMESTAMP YES If set to YES, the TIMESTAMP field will always be highlighted on email and history report. Valid values are YES and NO
HIGHLIGHT_VALUE_STYLE   A CSS style that is applied to the value of a field on an add or an edit layout when the layout cell attribute named FIELD VALUE TAG is applied to the cell.
HTMLAREA_ROW_HEIGHT 10 The number of rows to display on the add or edit screen for fields with a display type of HTML Area.
IMG_HOME   This is a relative path within the locales directory for your language where all the buttons and images used within the main application frame reside. For English this is normally locales/en_US. If you want to create your own image set, copy an existing directory to a new folder in the path locales/en_US/images, e.g. locales/en_US/images/my_images. Then set this behavior setting to a value of ../images/my_images/
IMG_NAV_NAV_BAR_HOME   This is a relative path within the locales directory for your language where all the buttons and images used for the navigation bar reside. For English this is normally locales/en_US. If you want to create your own images for your navigation bar, copy an existing directory to a new folder in the path locales/en_US/nav_bar, e.g. locales/en_US/images/my_nav_bar. Then set this behavior setting to a value of ../images/my_nav_bar/
LABEL_COLOR #0000FF Color of field labels on the add, edit and query screens
LABEL_TAG_DEFAULT   This provides a point where a default style for all labels for fields on add and edit screens may be inserted. The insert is an HTML attribute that sits within the table cell that holds the label for fields on these screens. For example, you may insert a CSS style that is applied to all the field labels on the form. You may override the default in this setting on a field by field basis with the layout element attribute LABEL_TAG. The default value in a new instance of ExtraView is that this setting has no value.
LABEL_WRAP_POSITION 15 Character position after which to wrap label text in the add and edit issue screens and the search screen. Note that if a layout element attribute for a field of FIELD ALTERNATIVE TITLE is set, then this is ignored and the administrator will set his own formatting in the field
LAYOUT_SCREEN_TITLES NO If this value is NO, the screen title in the top right-hand corner of each add and edit screen is taken from the data dictionary screens ADD_PROBLEM and EDIT_PROBLEM_SUMMARY respectively.  If the value is YES, then the screen title is taken from the Description field within each add and edit layout, thereby allowing you to have a different screen title on each add and edit screen
LIST_IMAGE_SIZE_PCT 100 This setting provides a scaling of the height that images are displayed alongside list values. The number is a percentage of the height of the text that is displayed, taking into account a user's personal text size - small, medium or large. For example, the default of 100 renders an image at the same height as the text, 200 renders the image at double the height, and 50 is half the height of the text
LOG_AREA_BREAK_LINE NO If this value is YES and ExtraView is rendering the LOG_AREA field as HTML rather than text, then text up until a <br> or a </p> tag will be rendered, followed by a link with the word "more". Upon pressing the "more" link, the entire field will be rendered. Note that this can override the functionality offered by the setting named LOG_AREA_DISPLAY_CHARS. If you want this setting to override LOG_AREA_DISPLAY_CHARS, then set that value to 32000
LOG_AREA_DISPLAY_CHARS 250 Maximum character length of log area fields before they are truncated on the edit issue screens. Once truncated, the word “More” appears and the user can drill down on this word to see the remainder of the text. Do not set to less than 80 or more than 32000
LOG_AREA_INITIAL_SORT DESC This setting controls the initial order of the log area entries. Valid values are ASC for ascending times and DESC for descending times
LOG_AREA_TEMPLATE $$LA_DATE$$ $$LA_USER$$ This setting controls the appearance of the header on fields with a display type of Log Area. You may use any text within the header, plus the following variables:
  • $$LA_DATE$$ - the date the field was updated
  • $$LA_USER$$ - the name of the user performing the update
  • $$LA_COMPANY$$ - the company name of the user making the update
  • $$LA_SEQNUM$$ - a sequence number for the comment within an issue, starting with 1
MANDATORY_FIELD_POST </b> HTML tag or characters to place after mandatory field labels. The default is to use the HTML end bold tag, but you can substitute and valid HTML or characters
MANDATORY_FIELD_PRE <b> HTML tag or characters to place before mandatory fields labels. The default is to use the HTML bold tag, but you can substitute any valid HTML or characters

This provides a means to limit the width of images displayed within HTML Area fields and Log Area fields which display HTML. Users often capture full-screen or other large images and they consequently make edit screens and email notifications overly wide so that users need to scroll horizontally within their browsers to view all the fields within these issues. The images are stored with their original size in the database, and are resized for display only.

MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION_PIXELS 4000 This setting defines the maximum number of pixels in either the horizontal or vertical direction that an image may be, to load it into a field with a display type of Image.
MENU_BUTTON_POSITION LEFT This setting allows the swapping of the screen title and the menu buttons at the top and bottom of each screen. If the setting is LEFT then the buttons appear at the left of the screen.
MENU_SIZE 105 Width or height of the navigation bar, in pixels, according to whether MENU_DIRECTION is VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL. Note that you must sign off from ExtraView and sign on again for this setting to take effect
  This setting applies to the "Keyword Drilldown" option on reports. Keyword entries into the search field that contain a minimum of the number of characters in this setting will be added to the filters of the report and the report will be regenerated. Once this minimum number of characters has been entered, or the user presses the Enter key, the new results will be generated.
MOBILE_DIRECT_ACCESS_1 to MOBILE_DIRECT_ACCESS_5   This setting defines the title for a button, and a URL within the ExtraView installation to which the user is directed when they press the button. The syntax of the entry in the setting is button_title:URL. When this is defined, a button will be displayed on the sign on screen of the mobile client and when this is clicked, the user will next see the screen defined by the URL
MORE_HISTORY_NUMBER_ROWS 25 Defines the number of rows to be shown before the MORE... message in a related issue display on a history report
MOUSEOVER_COLOR #E0E8F3 The color of rows on reports when the user places their mouse over the row
MULTI_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_CHAR &#9654; This value is the character that will be used to highlight the selected values in a multi-valued UDF list field. If the value is left blank it will display a + next to selected values. The value &#9654; will display as a ▶ character. Use a single character, or a string that your browser will interpret as a single Unicode character. If this character does not display in your user's browsers, select an ASCII character such as +
position:relative; left:-30px The CSS style to be applied to the table containing the drilldown box on the navigation bar. This is only used when the MENU_DIRECTION is set to HORIZONTAL with horizontal style navigation bars and is used to alter the position of the drilldown box for different styles of navigation bar. Most frequently, you can position the drilldown box in an absolute position on the navigation bar, but you can also use effects such as altering the background-color to change the presentation of the control.
NAV_BAR_GO_BUTTON NO This places a Go button onto the navigation bar by the drilldown box. Valid values are YES and NO. After changing this setting, you must sign off from ExtraView and sign on again for this setting to take effect.
NAV_BAR_LOGO_STYLE padding:20px 0px 0px 25px This style is used to position the CompanyLogo.gif on the navigation bar, when the MENU_DIRECTION is set to HORIZONTAL
NAV_BAR_SEARCH_TITLE * Search * This provides the title to the Search drilldown field on the navigation bar.  The value can be localized by clicking on the Edit button and providing localized values for all configured languages
NAV_BAR_STYLE text-align:right This allows you to apply a CSS style to the navigation bar buttons. For example you can use the style to left or right align all the buttons on the navigation bar
NAV_BAR_TITLES NO When this is set to NO, titles to the fields that display the user's availalable roles and the available Business Area and projects are suppressed.  Setting the value to YES causes the titles to be displayed
NAV_BAR_USER_SETTINGS_STYLE   This is the style used to place the user's settings, including their role and current business area onto the navigation bar
POPUP_LIST_SIZE 100 The number of entries on a pop-up list, before the list is accessed through a list of the characters A .. Z as opposed to a list of the entries themselves
POPUP_WIN_STYLE silverxp This setting provides different styles for the decoration of popup windows. You may select "default", "minimal", "osx", "plain", "silverxp" or "winxp" as valid styles. The value must be in lower case.
RECORD_COUNTER_COLOR   The color of the record counter display on reports
REFRESH_LIST_MAX_SIZE 200 A fast refresh using JavaScript will occur in lists that are less than this size and the refresh JavaScript option has been selected for an allowed value relationship. This setting allows the administrator to make a trade off for their users, as to the time to load metadata into a browser and perform a fast refresh when selections are made, compared to the time it takes to refresh the metadata lists from the server
#ADBFD0 This is the background color of the headers and footers on reports
#ADBFD0 The background color of the total rows on summary reports
#E1EFEE The background color of the screen titles and footers
SHOW_FOOTER YES If the value of this setting is YES, then the footer with action buttons is displayed on all screens. If the value is NO, the footer is suppressed.
SHOW_PRINT_BUTTON YES If this setting has a value of YES then a button allowing the user to print the current screen will be displayed on all menubars.
SIGN_ON_SCREEN_LOGO ../images/CompanyLogo.gif This is the path to the logo placed on the sign on screen. This setting allows you to use a different logo on the sign on screen than is used on the navigation bar. You can point this image to any file your server can access
SIGN_ON_SCREEN_LOGO_STYLE position: absolute; left:10px;top:10px The style to be applied to the sign on screen logo. The default position is the top left-hand corner of the screen
SUPPORT_LINK <a onclick='window.open ("http://support.
extraview.net/");return false' style="font-size:8pt; color:#666666; text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer">ExtraView Support Site</a>
This HTML statement is used for the link at the end of the copyright statement on each screen. Normally used to direct your users to a specific place for support.

You should use the JavaScript function window.open to provide a link, as opposed to using the HTML attribute href.  This provides a more general method to link to URLs that are outside of the domain where your ExtraView server is installed.  The example value shows how to open a web page.  You can also open a new email by using the parameter mailto:xxx@yyy.com?subject= Please%20provide%20assistance.

TAB_DISPLAY TAB This setting may have the values of either TAB or BUTTON.  When this is set to TAB, tab fields are rendered with a traditional look, with an underline.  When set to BUTTON, tabs are rendered as separate buttons with the same style as the buttons on the menubar.
TABS_PER_ROW 10 Limits the number of tabs on a form such as the add or edit screen, in a single row when being displayed on the add or edit issue screens. If more values than this number need to be displayed, they are placed on a separate row
TAB_FONT_OFF_COLOR #444444 Color of the font on non-selected tabs that are generated with the tab display type and within the administration area
TAB_FONT_ON_COLOR #FFFFFF Color of the font on the selected tab. This is used for fields that have a display type of tab and within the administration area
TAB_OFF_COLOR CCCCFF Off color is the unselected tabs color that are generated with the tab display type and within the administration area
TAB_ON_COLOR 6666FF On color is the selected tabs color. This is used for fields that have a display type of tab and within the administration area
TAB_SEPARATED_EXPORT NO When you are exporting information from the administration list utilities, the default is that the data will be exported in CSV (comma separated value) format. Most browsers will place this information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by default. There are some occasions when you may want to export the list information in TSV (tab separated value) format, and setting this value to YES achieves this. If you work predominantly with double-byte character sets (e.g. you may be working in Japanese) TSV may be the preferable format. Note that you can often configure your browser to work with TSV files. Consult the documentation for your browser on how to achieve this if you require this functionality.
TEXTAREA_ROW_HEIGHT 4 The number of initial rows of data to display on the add and edit screens for fields of display type Text Area, Print Text, Log Area
THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE 150 A behavior setting named THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE controls the size of the thumbnail. This is the maximum number of pixels in either the horizontal or vertical direction to which thumbnail images will be generated. The aspect ratio of the original image will be retained. Thumbnail images are generated for file attachments and for fields with a display type of image. If you change this value, existing thumbnail images will remain at their original size and new thumbnails will be generated at the changed value.
TITLE_HEIGHT   The height, in pixels, of the title bar holding the screen title and menubar button options
NO If set to YES, the child allowed values list will be sorted by the sort_seq in the allowed values table instead of the meta data sort_seq
VALUE_TAG_DEFAULT   This provides a point where a default style for all value fields on add and edit screens may be inserted. The insert is an HTML attribute that sits within the table cell that holds the value for fields on these screens. For example, you may insert a CSS style that is applied to all the values on the form. You may override the default in this setting on a field by field basis with the layout element attribute FIELD VALUE TAG. The default value in a new instance of ExtraView is that this setting has no value.
WINDOW_BG_COLOR #ffffff Window background color