

This is used to interact with the file upload form as part of a transaction to interface with an external, cloud-based file repository.

Applies To

File attachments


public void ucUploadSetForm ( HashMap tags, 
                              SesameSession session, 
                              Connection dbconn, 
                              String uploadObjectType ) throws Exception ;


Each of these operations requires specific processing by user custom exits when the upload object is in the cloud or a non-ExtraView repository. The user custom exits defined in this section are the only ones used for cloud/repository upload objects. There are other, specific exits that deal directly with file Attachments, for example, ucDeleteAttachment, but these should not be used since they may or may not be invoked for cloud/repository upload objects. The only legacy interfaces used for these upload types are ucViewAttachment and ucViewDocument. The upload process consists of the following high-level, user-initiated, operations:

Upload Screen Interaction – ucUploadSetForm

A user custom exit is made available to populate an HTML DIV on the upload page with HTML created within the user custom exit. The DIV will become visible based on the MODE of the upload screen. This is selectable by the user from one of three modes: Drag and Drop, Standard and Repository. All messages and button titles visible by the user are customizable. The user custom exit modifies a tags HashMap that is used with the inbuilt addAttachment.html template to produce the upload page. There are two mandatory tags of interest to the user custom callout:

  • NO_REPOSITORY – should be set to “false” to include the repository DIV
  • REPOSITORY_DIV_HTML – should be set to the HTML to include inside the DIV used for repository upload

Other tags of interest are:

  • REPOSITORY_TOOLTIP – is the tooltip shown in a balloon for mouseover event on the repository anchor image
  • USE_REPOSITORY_UPLOAD_MSG – is the text shown for the repository mode switch anchor

The submit button used for standard mode form submission is in the tags HashMap with the key SUBMIT_BUTTON. This can be reused for inclusion in the repository html. The parameter uploadObjectType is either ATTACHMENT, IMAGE or DOCUMENT. For more information, please see here.