Useful Definitions

It will help your understanding of the ExtraView platform if you take a few minutes to review this page.

Term Meaning
Allowed Values These are relationships between different fields within a single issue.  For example, you might have twenty different products that are created from one hundred different modules.  Some of the modules may be used in more than one product.  Allowed values enable the setup of these relationships, so that only valid modules for any product may be selected within a single issue.
Business Area Each collection of issues for a specific business purpose is stored within a Business Area.  Typically, each Business Area has one or more sub-parts termed Projects.  This allows you to group all the parts of a solution within a Business Area and to have as many Business Areas as you need to track all the issues across your company.  For example, you might have two Business Areas, one to track all customer activities and one to track all employee data.  The customer orientated Business Area may be organized into Projects, such as Orders, Complaints and Requests.
Business Rules Business rules consist of a scripting language that interacts with the data on add and edit screens.  The language allows logic to be applied when the screen forms are loaded, when values are changed on a screen form and before and after issues are inserted or updated.
Field This is a single element that folds data.  For example, you might have a field named PRODUCT.  This may have a display type of LIST so that the software presents a list of the titles of all your products.  Fields may have many different display types, such as list, text, number, date, radio button, checkbox, etc.
Inheritance It would be tedious to define all the layouts and fields for each Project and each Business Area.  ExtraView allows the administrator to define any object such as a field or a layout, and for that object to be available without change and further configuration at all levels beneath the one where it is defined.  This is inheritance.  However, at any level, the inheritance may be broken and a new object defined which will be available at that and at all child levels from that point.

For example, you might define a global layout for a general report that is used at all levels; within the customer Business Area you might want to override this with different layouts at the project level of each of Orders, Complaints and Request. These may have different layouts that take the place of the general report defined at the global level.

Home Page This is the initial landing page when you first sign on to ExtraView – although you may use a personal setting to land on a different page.  On this page you will typically configure serveral reports that are meaningful to your daily operations and there are buttons that allow you to navigate to other functions.
Issue This is a collection of all the values that represent a specific object, such as a problem record, a customer record or a request or a complaint.  Within ExtraView, this list is endless and issues may represent any purpose within your business.
Layout This is a collection of fields organized in a logical fashion so that a user may enter or update issues.  Layouts support a vast number of options that allow sophisticated forms with many sections and validation options to provide the workflow and processes required.
Menubar This is the set of buttons that are placed at the top (and sometimes also at the bottom) of each screen, that provide the actions specific to that screen
Navigation Bar This is a row (or column) of buttons that provide access to the major, high level functions of ExtraView, such as the Home Page or the Reports screen
Query Screen This screen allows you to compose ad-hoc queries that retrieve issues in the form of Quicklist reports.  You can use simple or complex logic to retrieve any stored issues to which you have permission.  If you have queries that you wish to run regularly, you can save these and run them at any time.
Related Issues As an administrator, you can set up relationships between different types of issues.  For example, an issue that represents a customer my be the parent in a relationship where the child issue stores the list of contacts for the customer.  Another example might be that there is a parent-child relationship between issues that store personnel records (the parent) and child issues which store the training records for each person.  Relationships may extend to a number of levels.
Report Screen This screen has several purposes.  First you can compose new reports of many types.  Second you can run any saved report.  Lastly documents stored in the internal repository can be viewed and downloaded.
Security Permissions Your administrator will have provided you with permissions to all the ExtraView features that are meaningful to your role within your organization.The security permission mechanism extends not only to the program features, but to the visibility of issues stored, and to the visibility and the ability to update individual fields within any screen.
Standard Interface This is the primary interface to all ExtraView functions.  Each page has a single function, and new pages within new browser tabs are opened when it is necessary to have multiple pages visible.  Contrast this with the Workspace Interface.
User Account Each user has an individual account within ExtraView.  This is where their demographic information and personal options are stored.
User Roles Your installation is probably used by many different users within your organization.  Groups of users will be gathered into user roles, each of which will have different security permissions and differently defined workflow.
Workspace Interface This is multi-tasking interface within your browser which simultaneously allows the user to interact with many different ExtraView functions at the same time, each function operating within a different panel within a single browser window.  The analogy is the Microsoft  Windows user interface.  Contrast this with the Standard Interface