User Roles & Permissions
A user role is created to identify a group of users who will all share the same access privileges within ExtraView. For example, Engineers, Managers, Quality Assurance, and Administrators are examples of user roles.
You may create any number of user roles within ExtraView, and each role may have a very different set of permissions to the functions and fields of Extraview.
Roles are defined by visiting Administration –> Site Configuration –> User Roles. You maintain the security permissions within the utility at Administration –> Site Configuration –> Grant Security Privileges.
After you define the roles, there are two basic uses:
- Control access to ExtraView features – virtually every feature of ExtraView has a security permission key to control whether users within a role may access that feature. For example, these keys control whether users may add or update issues, may access individual Business Area, may create or just run any of the different report types, and may access Administration
- Control access to each field – This applies to each and every field within your installation. You may provide each user role with no permission, read-only permission, or read & write permission to each field.