User Fields

These fields are additional to the inbuilt user fields of OWNER, ORIGINATOR, CONTACT and ASSIGNED_TO.

Field Name Title Definition
LAST_CHANGE_USER Changed by This is the user ID of the user who last updated the issue.
USER *Current User Name* This field adopts the value of $$USER$$ when used. ExtraView interprets this value as the user ID of the user who is signed on to the current session.

User Fields with Different Display Formats

The display format of user fields is globally set using the behavior setting named USER_LIST_DISPLAY. This is set to either a value of LIST or POPUP to determine how all user fields on the user input screens will appear.

You can set an Optional Attribute in the data dictionary for any field with a display type of user. This Optional Attribute is also named USER_LIST_DISPLAY. Setting this to either LIST or POPUP will override the behavior setting, giving you control over the way user’s input values into each field with a display type of user.

Note: You should not try to set the attribute of USER_LIST_DISPLAY as a Layout Cell Attribute within the Data Dictionary. This is not supported. You must set the attribute as a global attribute for the field, in the data dictionary.

Multi-Valued User Fields

To configure a User field as a multi-valued field perform the following steps:

  • Create the field in the data dictionary with a display type of User
  • Note that there is not an option on the initial data dictionary screen to make the field multi-valued
  • Click on the Global Attributes tab
  • Add a new global attribute of type USER LIST DISPLAY with a value of POPUP
  • You should now set the data dictionary value fof Auto-Complete to an appropriate value for the field.

User Fields with Images

The images for users are sourced from within each user’s account.  The user may upload their own photograph to their account.

Within the data dictionary, set the option Associate image with values to Yes.  The field will then be rendered on add and edit forms, and on reports, with the user’s image.