API Settings
This section of behavior settings deals with API settings. The available settings are:
System Controls menu- API Settings | Typical Value | Description |
ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_API_ACCESS | NO | When this is set to YES, users can make calls to the API, without having a valid user name and password. Typically used when you are integrating ExtraView within your own website, and you do not want to give your external users (usually your customers) a user ID within ExtraView. Use this in conjunction with ANONYMOUS_API_USER_ID. Valid values are YES and NO |
ANONYMOUS_API_USER_ID | guest | If you have ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_API_ACCESS set to YES, this is the user ID that is set within issues as the ORIGINATOR |
ALLOW_CLI_UPDATE_ORIGINATOR | YES | YES will allow a user to update the ORIGINATOR field through the CLI |
CLI_EDIT_MULTI_VALUE_FIELDS | NO | Indicates whether you can edit multiple value UDFs through the CLI |
DEFAULT_TEXT_REPORT_DELIMITER | Single character to place between data fields on text reports. When you output results to a text file, or through the API / CLI, this character is used to delimit the individual fields | |
MAX_REPORT_TEMP_FILE_HOURS | 2880 | This is the number of hours for which temporary report files used by the API will be kept on the file system of the server. Following this number of hours, the temporary files are removed by ExtraView. |
MULTI_RELEASE_XML | NO | To enable multiple release to be output to XML through the API. Valid values are YES and NO |