ExtraView can be configured to use an LDAP directory for details of users. This is optional, and is controlled by the same behavior setting that signifies whether SSO is turned off or on (SSO_STATE). See the section on Single Sign On within this guide for more information.

LDAP Server Information

Once again, see above for the ExtraView behavior settings that control the connection. In addition, the ExtraView configuration file Configuration.properties specifies the parameters required to access the LDAP server.

There is an assumption that only a single LDAP server will be configured. The following information also assumes that the administrator is familiar with the configuration of LDAP servers.

In the ExtraView configuration file, the following fields will be mapped to matched the host LDAP data structures:

LDAP_PRIMARYKEY = primary_key
LDAP_SURNAME = surname
LDAP_GIVENNAME = given_name
LDAP_COMMONNAME = common_name
LDAP_DISTINGUISHEDNAME = distinguishedname
LDAP_EMAIL = email_address
LDAP_STREET = street_address
LDAP_CITY = city
LDAP_STATE = state
LDAP_POSTALCODE = postal_code
LDAP_COUNTRY = country_name
LDAP_PHONE = telephone_number
LDAP_MOBILE = mobile_number
LDAP_PAGER = pager_number
LDAP_COMPANYNAME = your_companyname

ExtraView maps the following LDAP fields, if they are configured for use and if they are accessible in LDAP by ExtraView.

ExtraView Field LDAP Field Mapped Comments
User ID LDAP_PRIMARYKEY Yes Used for login and user authentication
First name LDAP_GIVENNAME Yes  
Last name LDAP_SURNAME Yes  
Password LDAP_PSWRD Yes Used for login and user authentication. Note that the password is used only when inserting a new user via LDAP connection, and only if the CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION behavior setting is set to NO.
Expire password NA No  
User Roles NA Optional May use rule mapping to map this field
Privacy Groups NA Optional May use rule mapping to map this field
Set Default Area NA Optional May use rule mapping to map this field
Set Default Project NA Optional May use rule mapping to map this field
Email address LDAP_EMAIL Yes  
Date Format NA No  
Time in 24 Hour Format NA No  
Drilldown Report format NA No  
Time zone NA Yes  
Notify on own updates NA No  
Job title NA Yes  
Company name LDAP_COMPANYNAME Yes This is not used in the mapping
Address LDAP_STREET Yes  
City LDAP_CITY Yes  
State / Province LDAP_STATE Yes  
Zip / Postal Code LDAP_POSTALCODE Yes  
Country LDAP_COUNTRY Yes  
Work phone LDAP_PHONE Yes  
Home phone NA Yes  
Cell phone LDAP_MOBILE Yes  
Fax LDAP_FAX Yes  
Pager LDAP_PAGER Yes  
Any UDF field A distinguished Name Yes  
User Expired NA Yes Value is used but not saved locally within ExtraView
Session expiration limit NA No  

It is supported to map the same LDAP schema name to multiple ExtraView configuration properties, for example:


Note: The fields in bold in the above table are typically mandatory in ExtraView.

Note: Most of the ExtraView fields are accessible through the user administration screens.

Note: ExtraView user role information is not stored in the LDAP server.