Displays the list of fields used when adding a new user account.


evuserfields [-r]


This command displays the list of fields that are used when adding a new user account to the ExtraView database. The field names are displayed in two columns. The first column is the field’s fixed database name. The second column is the field’s display title. When the -r option is used, the fixed database names and display titles separated by a colon, with no white space in between the two names. Fields that are required on the add user screen are preceded by an asterisk (*).


$ evuserfields
SECURITY_USER_ID      Security User Id
SECURITY_PASSWORD     Security Password
FIRST_NAME            First Name
LAST_NAME             Last Name
JOB_TITLE             Job Title
COMPANY_NAME          Company
ADDRESS_LINE1         Address Line1
ADDRESS_LINE2         Address Line2
CITY                  City
STATE                 State
POSTAL_CODE           Postal Code
COUNTRY               Country
EMAIL                 E-Mail Address
WORK_TELEPHONE        Work Telephone
HOME_TELEPHONE        Home Telephone
CELL_PHONE            Cell Phone
FAX                   Fax
PAGER                 Pager