Email Options
It is often useful to have ExtraView notify you at a different email address as an alternative, or as addition to your principal email address. Your principal email address is managed through the tab named Personal Details. To set up an alternative email address, such as a pager, use the Notification Options tab on the screen. You can both set an alternative email address as shown, and you can turn it on and off as needed.
Change a User’s Details screen
Disable Automatic Email Generation
Each time you add or edit a issue, you have the opportunity to halt all email generation by un-checking the Generate Email checkbox at the bottom of the Add and Edit screens.
Edit Issue screen
CC Mail
Each time you add or edit a issue, you have the opportunity to send a one-time, cc mail to any named users in the system or to any other person. To send cc mail, either click the people icon located beside the CC Email field, and select the named users you would like to receive the notification, or enter an email address in the CC Email field.
Edit Issue screen
If you are entering multiple email addresses, you can use a space character, a semi-colon character or a comma between the email addresses.
Note: The Generate Email checkbox must be selected in order to send CC email.