
ucAdminPreUdfListTransaction is called to allow updates of related lists as part of the same transaction that maintains the base list. This is done prior to the DB update of the primary list.

Applies To

Administration Methods


public void ucAdminPreUdfListTransaction(	
                  Connection con,	// database connection
                  UdfList listEntry,
                  String op )	        // A = add, M = modify, D = delete


No commit should be done in this method. Error conditions should throw an exception, which will abort the underlying transaction


 public void ucAdminPreUdfListTransaction(
                    Connection con,        // database connection
                    UdfList listEntry,
                    String op)	           // A = add, M = modify, D = delete
                    throws Exception {
		           //Call Best Practices:
			   super.ucAdminPreUdfListTransaction(con, listEntry, op);	