
ucReauthorizeGetParams will return cached form parameters from a previous request, if needed.

Applies To

User Authentication Methods


public ProblemFormParam ucReauthorizeGetParams ( 
      ProblemFormParam pfp,
      SesameSession session,
      Connection dbconn )
      throws Exception 


Additionally, any customer specific adjustment needed in the parameters is done here.


 public ProblemFormParam ucReauthorizeGetParams(
           ProblemFormParam pfp,
           SesameSession session,
           Connection dbconn) throws Exception {

        // is there a cached_req parameter in the form parameters? If so, we
        // will be using cached form parameters. if not, we will be returning
        // the form parameters passed into method.
        String cr = pfp.getString("CACHED_REQ");

        if (TextManager.isStringVisible(cr)) {
            StatusSignatureHandler ssh = StatusSignatureHandler.getCached(cr, session);

            if (ssh != null) {
                pfp = ssh.getProblemFormParameters();

                // remove signature handler from session