ucRelationshipGroupSplit receives the list ID’s to be split from a relationship Group and a list of ID’s that should stay in the group.
Applies To
Relationship Group Methods
public boolean ucRelstionshipGroupSplit (
SesameSession session, // current session
Connection con, // Database Connection
List removeList, // list of ids to be removed from
// the group
List keepList) // list of ids that stay in the
// original group
These ID’s can be used for additional processing on ID’s. Database connection that is being used to pass in these issues is used to make this transactional with the Main Split update. This method returns a Boolean which returns True if no exceptions occur in processing otherwise false. False will void the entire split transaction, and True will cause a commit.
public boolean ucRelationshipGroupSplit(
SesameSession session, // current session
Connection con, // Database Connection
List removeList, // list of ids to be removed from the group.
List keepList) { // list of ids that are staying in the original group
return true;