The Advanced Menu contains administrative topics that are not regularly accessed. The administrative features within this menu are:

  • ExtraView Version Information – This displays information regarding the server installation
  • ExtraView Licenses – the End User License Agreement (EULA) for ExtraView
  • Allowed Locales – If this is enabled in your system, this utility allows you to add a new language locale to the installation
  • Translate System Messages and Prompts – If this is enabled in your system, this utility allows you to translate all the system messages and metadata in your system to an allowed locale
  • Upload Server-side templates for use with ExtraView API – If you are creating server-side templates for use with external web pages, this utility allows you to upload the templates, without having access to the file system of the server
  • Statistics – Key statistics of ExtraView usage
  • System Log Types – Maintains the list of items that are logged within the System Log
  • System Security Keys – This displays and allows you to create security keys within the installation, to which permissions are attached by the Grant Security Privileges routine
  • View Allowed Functions – This displays all the functions within your installation and shows the difference between the allowed functions in the ExtraView Standard version and the ExtraView Global Compliance version
  • Start Page Management – This controls the list of pages that can be addressed directly when a user first signs on to ExtraView
  • Pre-cache Layouts at System Startup – This controls the list of layouts that can be loaded when the application server is started, providing improved performance when users first sign onto the system
  • Edit the labels of the Administration tabs – This allows the editing of the labels on the tabs of the administration page. The only purpose for this utility is to localize the labels on the tabs
  • Access Tokens for OAUTH2 Authentication / Authorization – This utility allows for the creation and maintenance of OAUTH2 tokens provided by remote servers
  • Encryption Key Management – This utility allows the administrator to create and maintain encryption keys used within the ExtraView application