Behavior Settings
Behavior settings control basic functionality within ExtraView and allow your installation to be tailored quickly for your hardware, and your company’s requirements with the platform.
The behavior settings are grouped into different categories that can be selected within the Behavior Settings administration function.
Behavior Setting Categories
- Authentication
- Company Information
- Display
- Environment
- Reporting / Querying
- Security and Session
- User
- Workflow
Commonly used behavior settings
With more than 200 behavior settings, it can be somewhat complex to understand the purpose and behavior of each setting. The settings that are most frequently used are gathered in this section.
Category | Setting | Purpose |
User | USER_SELF_REGISTRATION | You can allow your users to self-register, or you can be the registrar. When this is set to Yes, a prompt appears on the Sign On screen, allowing a user to navigate to a page where they can register themselves as a user in ExtraView. When a user registers in this way, they will only be given the privileges of the user role defined in the behavior setting named LIMITED_USER_ROLE, but no user role is set in their account. When a user self-registers, an email is sent to an administrator, as defined by the following settings with Email Settings on the Email Notification administration menu. The user created will be in the business area and project defined by those of the ADMIN user account. |
User | USERNAME_DISPLAY | You have the ability to display usernames by First, Last or by ID based on your company’s methodology.First – will produce names like David Smith
Last – will produce names like Smith, David ID – will produce names like dsmith You may also customize your own display pattern. You use the tokens $$FIRST_NAME$$, $$LAST_NAME$$ and $$USER_ID$$ along with any text characters to compose your own display. For example: $$USER_ID$$ | $$LAST_NAME$$, $$FIRST_NAME$$ will produce dsmith | Smith, David |
Display | ABBREVIATED_HISTORY | A value of YES will show changed fields only in history records and will not use the History layout to display the audit trail. A value of NO will use the History layout to display the audit trail. The displayed results with YES are more concise than NO, but there is not a fixed layout to easily spot the changes |
Display | SUPPORT_LINK | If you have an HTML page that you would like your users to go when they need support, you can put the link plus a message here |
Workflow | ENFORCE_STATE_CHANGE_RULES | Gives you the opportunity to turn Status Change Rules on or off |
EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME | This is the email address or alias for the ExtraView administrator. Emails that are automatically generated by ExtraView are originated with this name. Examples are emails sent upon the self registration of a user, or an unauthorized access attempt | |
EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_ID | This is the email address to which emails originating within ExtraView are sent. This is usually the administrator’s email address or an alias for the administrator | |
EMAIL_FROM_USER_ID | Emails sent from ExtraView will show this as the sender’s address. For example, use | |
EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE | This allows you to use fields within the record and place them within the subject line of the email that is generated. The field that you want to include is enclosed between $$ and $$. For example, the issue title is $$SHORT_DESCR$$. The value of:
ExtraView Notification [$$ID$$]: $$STATUS$$ – $$SHORT_DESCR$$ will produce an email subject line like: ExtraView Notification [12345]: Open – Report of a failure |
Company Information | COMPANY_NAME | The name of your company |