Checking Aliased Lists
Over time, some customers have reported that list fields with aliases do not retain their synchronization. The reasons for this were some early bugs in the feature, and customers who manipulated the values in the lists outside of the ExtraView GUI. This page describes a stand-alone tool named checkAliases that will verify the consistency of the aliases and will optionally correct any problems found. The utility is found in the directory named WEB-INF/data. Aliased lists consist of an original field with a display type of list or popup, which can be edited by the GUI and one or more alias lists that should have identical contents. If the aliased list is found to be different than the original list, the utility reports them as different. The -sync option will cause the tool to fix the lists to be consistent. Consistency is imposed by adding values, where needed, to make the lists have the same content. This means that both the original list and any aliased list will have values added, if they are missing from the super set of all values.
Microsoft Windows
– run the checkAliases.bat file with arguments JAVA_HOME, TOMCAT_HOME and EV_BASE.
For example:
checkAliases.bat C:\ExtraView\jre1.7.0_67 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.55 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\evj
If any errors are reported, run again with the additional argument -sync to correct the errors. – run the checkAliases.bat file with arguments JAVA_HOME, TOMCAT_HOME and EV_BASE. -sync to fix any problems found.
For example:
checkAliases.bat C:\ExtraView\jre1.7.0_67 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.55 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\evj -sync
- Edit the file to set JAVA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME for your filesystem
- Run the file with argument evj where evj is the name of your webapps folder. For example: sh evj If any errors are reported, run again with an additional argument -sync to correct the errors
- Run the file with arguments evj –sync where evj is the name of your webapps folder, to fix any problems found. For example: sh evj -sync
To get meaningful tests, it may be necessary to manually alter values in either the original list or any alias list. If any errors are reported, run again with an additional argument -sync to correct the errors. Observe that lists are correct after modification. Note: This tool only creates new list values and doesn’t delete or change any existing values in any list.