{CREATE USER: security user id = value1, security password = value2, first name = value3,
last name = value4, email = value5, company name = value6
[, company name = value7] [, work phone = value8]
[, city = value9] [, state = value10] [, allow email dups = true | false]
[, allow first last dups = true | false] [, other_fields = valuenn] }
- A full list of the fields that may be used as parameters in the command is in the section at the end of this page titled Full Field List
Field values from the current issue being inserted or updated can be substituted for any of the valuen entries. For example,
first name = VENDOR_FIRST_NAME
You can assign a field value from a linked record to the field on the account record. For example,
company name = (parentRecordLink).VENDOR_NAME
will assign the company name of the user being created to the vendor name in the link to the parent record namedparentRecordLink
You may assign a string value to a field. For example,
area = 'Customer Account'
sets the value for the user’s area. Of course, the value for the field must exist -
Both the roles and privacy_group parameters may be multi-valued. In that case the values are separated by semi-colons. For example
will assign these 3 rules to the user being created -
It is recommended that this feature be used to create users in a guest role capacity, or more explicitly, to be in the role nominated in the behavior setting named
- A further recommendation is that you use this command to create users who occupy concurrent licenses as opposed to named licenses. This avoids the potential to attempt to create a named user license when no more are avaiable. If there is an attempt to create a new user account and no licenses are available, the account is created, but is disabled
An error is generated if the user attempts to create a duplicate or invalid
security user id
allow email dups
– When this is set to a value oftrue
, then duplicate email addresses will be allowed across different users. The default isfalse
. Care should be taken when assigning this to a value oftrue
, as it will not be possible to determine which user is creating an issue via EVMail, as this is dependent upon the software finding a unique email address within the ExtraView application. The default value isfalse
allow first last dups
– When this is set to a value of true, then duplicate combinations of first and last names are allowed with different users. The default value isfalse
This action is often used as a companion to the
<== user mapping ==>
directive which allows administrative changes to users to be reflected in updates to issues which were originally used to create user information.
It is recommended that you use a built-in JavaScript function to verify the password before the rule is invoked. To achieve this, configure the following:
- A text field to store the password. This field is passed to the server as part of the CREATE USER rule in the security_password parameter
A text field to store the verify password field. This field is not passed to the server, but you should place a layout cell attribute of the type HTML MODIFIER on the field. The syntax of the value is:
onchange=checkPasswordRules(p_passwordfield.value, p_verifypassword.value,
minCharacters, minNumeric, minUpperCase, minSpecialChars)
– the name of the password field on the form
– the name of the verify password field on the form
– the minimum number of characters in the password
– the minimum number of numeric characters in the password
– the minimum number of upper case characters in the password
– the minimum number of special characters in the passwordThe 4 digits should be identical to those in the behavior setting named PASSWORD_RULES
An example might be
onchange=checkPasswordRules(p_password.value, p_verifypass.value, 8
, 1, 1, 1
if (PROJECT= 'Contacts' && CREATE_USER_BTN.{changed} && NEW_USER_ID.{not null}) {
security user id = NEW_USER_ID,
security password = 'Welcome',
first name = VENDOR_FNAME,
last name = VENDOR_LNAME,
company name = (parentRecord).VENDOR_LIST,
work phone = VENDOR_PHONE,
city = CITY,
state = STATE,
postal code = ZIP,
area = 'Questionnaire Area',
project = 'Questionnaire Data',
alpha timezone = PST8PDT,
privacy group = PRIVACY_GROUP_LIST,
enabled user = N,
allow email dups = true,
allow first last_dups = false
## Not strictly part of the CREATE USER rule, but we might now want to assign
## the user just created to another field on the form - in this case the list
## field named CONTACT
if (PROJECT='Contacts' && CONTACT.{is null} && NEW_USER_ID.{is not null}) {
Full Parameter Field List
Field | Required? | Notes |
additional email |
Must be a valid email address. This is optional and only used as an altermative to the EMAIL setting |
additional email on |
Y or N to turn additional email address on / off | |
address oraddress 1 |
address 2 |
alpha timezone |
This defaults to the value in the behavior setting named DEFAULT_TIMEZONE | |
area | The ID of the default Business Area of the user | |
cell phone |
chart font | Must be a valid font name on your server. This defaults to the value in the behavior setting named CHART_FONT | |
city | ||
company name |
country | ||
date format | Must be a valid date format. See the Appendix named Date and Time Formats for a list. The default is taken from your behavior setting named DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT | |
start page id |
This defaults to the value in the behavior setting named DEFAULT_START_PAGE | |
email |
Yes | Must be a valid email address |
email charset |
email format |
The default is HTML. The alternative is TEXT | |
email on |
Y or N. This enables or disables email on the account | |
enabled user |
Yes |
Use Y to enable the user with a Concurrent license. Use N to enable the user with a Named license. Use D to disable the user. The default value is Y, which enables the user with a Concurrent license. |
fax |
file attach charset |
Typically UTF-8, which is the default | |
first name |
home phone |
job title |
language |
Use the two character ISO 3166 code. The default is taken from your behavior setting named DEFAULT_LANGUAGE | |
last name |
Yes | |
login id |
The alternative to SECURITY_USER_ID | |
mobile report id |
Must be the Report ID of a valid report | |
password interval |
The number of days between each prompt for a user to update their password. The default is 0 | |
privacy group |
The name of a valid privacy group | |
postal code orzip |
project |
The ID of a valid project within the Business Area being set for the user | |
region |
This defaults to the value in the behavior setting named DEFAULT_REGION | |
report 1 id |
A valid Report ID for the first report on a user’s Home Page | |
report 2 id |
A valid Report ID for the second report on a user’s Home Page | |
report 3 id |
A valid Report ID for the third report on a user’s Home Page | |
security password |
Yes | The unencrypted value for a user’s password |
security user id |
Yes | The User’s ID |
state orprovince |
twenty four hour time |
Use Y if the user is to use 24-hour time, else use N. The default is N | |
user defined 1 |
user defined 2 |
user defined 3 |
user defined 4 |
user defined 5 |
user defined 6 |
user defined 7 |
user defined 8 |
user defined 9 |
user defined 10 |
user role |
Yes | A list of the names of user roles, delimited with semi-colons. The default is taken from the behavior setting named LIMITED_USER_ROLE |
work phone |