Desktop Emulation of Mobile Devices
It can be useful to emulate a mobile device from a desktop browser. This is mainly used to debug problems you might experience with the mobile client. To accomplish this, recognize that you are going to use your desktop browser as the mobile client and that it will then remotely access the ExtraView installation. To achieve this, the mobile client software must first be installed on web server so it can be accessed by the browser. This needs a different implementation than is provided with the Apple iOS and the Android distribution versions. Contact ExtraView support should you need this and they will provide access to this software on a test basis.
Both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers support emulation, so you should use one of these. In both cases, click the F12 button to enter the browser debug mode. Click the emulation button to start an emulation session:
Emulation Button in Chrome
Emulation Button in Firefox
Once you have established an emulation connection to the mobile client, the browser will act the same as if you were on a mobile device. Each of the mobile emulators has capabilities to allow you to set mobile device type as well as features such as rotating the screen by 90°.