Reports that generate output that you send to the document repository are controlled with the following:

  • The Report Scheduler Task must be running
  • Users accessing the document repository must have permission to schedule reports via the role-based security permission key named SR_REPORT_SCHEDULE
  • Users adding documents or deleting reports with the document repository must have write permission to the security permission key named SR_REPORT_REPOSITORY_ACCESS
  • Users who view or download documents from the repository must have read permission to the security permission key named SR_REPORT_REPOSITORY_ACCESS
  • Administrators who require access to the utilitiy named Document Repository Manager, must have read and write permission to the security permission key named CF_REPORT_DOCUMENT

The Document Repository Manager

The utility resides within the Operational Tasks administration menu.

Document Repository Administrative Utility

The utility allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Filter the documents by:

    • Created on or before a date
    • Last updated on or before a date
    • Created on or after a date
    • Last updated on or after date
  • Select any subset of documents, whether filtered or not and delete these documents, irrespective of the owner of the document.