Email Settings

This section of behavior settings deals with Email settings. The available settings are:

Email Notification Menu- Email Settings Typical Value Description
AD_HOC_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS Return address for all emails sent using templates or ad hoc text entry. These are emails sent by using the Email button on the edit screen
AD_HOC_EMAIL_FROM_SENDER The User ID of the sender of all template and text emails sent from the Email button on the edit screen. The user’s email address will be taken from his account information
CHECK_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORMAT YES If you set this value to YES, then the email address entered on the user accounts screen will be checked to ensure it has a valid format with a fully qualified domain. If set to NO, the format of the email address is not checked
CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR NO When this setting is YES, a prompt appears on the sign on page, with a default message of “Forgotten Password?”. When this link is pressed, a mailto the user defined in the setting named EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_ID is started, allowing the user to send a message. When the setting is NO, the prompt does not appear. Note that this link will only appear if the site has EMAIL_NOTIFICATION set to YES, and a valid directory set for EMAIL_DIRECTORY
EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME ExtraView Administrator This is the title to the email address for the ExtraView administrator. Emails that are automatically generated by ExtraView are originated with this name. Examples are emails sent upon the self registration of a user, or an unauthorized access attempt. This setting is used alongside the EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_ID
EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_ID This is the email address from which emails originating within ExtraView are sent. This is usually the administrator’s email address or an alias for the administrator. This setting is used alongside the EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME
EMAIL_ALLOW_UNQUAL_ADDRESSES NO If your company’s email server allows unqualified email addresses (i.e. email addresses without the part of the address), then set this to YES and users will not need to use the complete email address.
EMAIL_BCC_ARCHIVE The email address where a copy of template and ad hoc emails are sent as Blind Carbon Copy (bcc)
EMAIL_CC_NOTIFICATION_LIST YES This setting controls whether a CC list is appended to the bottom of outgoing notification emails.  It can have a value of YES or NO, or a number.  If it is a number, then the CC list is suppressed if there are more than this number of users on the CC list
EMAIL_CHARSET UTF-8 The default character set that is used by each user when email notification is sent to them by the ExtraView server
EMAIL_CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR The email address for the administrator who will be contacted via the sign on page when a user clicks the link “Forgotten Password?”
EMAIL_CUSTOMER_BOX UNCHECKED This setting can have a value of CHECKED or UNCHECKED. When this is CHECKED, the checkbox on the add and edit screens that controls whether the LIMITED_USER_ROLE users (usually customers) is checked by default.
EMAIL_DIRECTORY ../mailbox Email Directory for outgoing messages to be stored. This is the location on your server where the batchmail process looks for outgoing emails. You may use an absolute path, or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the WEB-INF directory
EMAIL_FROM_USER_ID support@yourcompany.dom Return address for all email originating in ExtraView. This allows the recipients of emails to reply to the email, and know there is a valid destination
EMAIL_FROM_USER_NAME Alias for the real user name that email originates from. This is inserted into the header information of the outgoing notification
EMAIL_MAX_SIZE_MB 8 This is the maximum size, in MBytes, of an outgoing email being sent from ExtraView. This value should be the same, or smaller, than the size your corporate mail server will send.  This setting is provided to ensure that mail that exceeds the limit is not sent.  If the mail being sent is larger than this size, the images and embedded documents will be removed to reduce the size of the message.
EMAIL_MODULE_OWNER_ALWAYS YES Email module owner irrespective of whether they are assigned to an issue. Valid values are YES and NO
EMAIL_NOTIFICATION YES Turn email notification of changes on and off. Valid values are YES and NO. This is the master control for enabling and disabling email. When this is set to NO, email addresses are not required when creating or editing users. When the value is set to NO, no email is sent and no warnings are generated to users.
EMAIL_NOTIFY_USERS_ALWAYS YES This behavior setting controls whether ExtraView will always send a notification to a user when an issue is updated, or whether notification is only sent when one or more fields on the layout that is used to communicate with the user are changed. Set this value to YES if you always want users to receive notification. Note that a change does not mean any change to the issue being updated, but means a change to a field that is on their email layout must occur. Also, note that if more than one update to a record occurs within a minute, and the user’s timestamp does not include seconds, then they will only receive the first update made within a minute. The user can set his personal date format to include seconds if he wants to be certain that he will receive multiple updates within a single minute.
EMAIL_RETURN_ADDRESS A value in this setting sets the email address as the return address into the outgoing message header.  This is tyipcally used to provide a return path for messages that cannot be delivered.
EMAIL_STYLESHEET * {font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif !important;
font-size:10pt} .text {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif
!important; font-size:10pt} .report_text {font-family: Arial,
Helvetica,sans-serif !important; font-size : 10pt} .title_text
{font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif !important;font-size:13pt;color:#AAAAAA;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold} .reportRIDHeader {background-image:url(
color:#AAAAAA;font-weight:bold }
p {display:block;-webkit-margin-before:0;-webkit-margin-after:0;
-webkit-margin-start:0;-webkit-margin-end:0; margin-top:0;
margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:2px} .msoNormal {padding:0 0 0 0 !important; margin:0 0 0 0 !important}
The style for outgoing HTML-based email. This is included within the body of the email notification sent, so that the user does not need access to a server when reading their email. An entry in EMAIL_STYLESHEET is pure CSS and it gets embedded into an HTML <style>…</style> tag, so the user does not need to be online when they receive the email. You can use any valid CSS in here, either as the global style or to embellish the text or report_text styles.  The style is relatively complex as Microsoft Outlook does its best to render HTML-based emails from other sources in ways that remove spacing information.
EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE ExtraView Notification [$$ID$$]: $$STATUS$$ – $$SHORT_DESCR$$ Format for subject line of emails. The tokens between the $$ signs will be replaced with the actual value from the current record
EMAIL_TABLE_WIDTH 660 This setting controls the width of the output within email clients, for standard system generated notifications.  The normal value is 660.  If you want to generate standard notifications that are not fixed in width, set a value of 0.
EVMAIL_DELIMITER_TEXT ~–~–~–~–~ When generating outbound email in HTML format, ExtraView surrounds the body of the email with this text within invisible tags. If a user replies to this mail notification, thus generating an update to the issue, the evmail utility will suppress all the text between the two tags, thus eliminating the outgoing email from being added into the issue as part of the update
GENERATE_EMAIL_BOX CHECKED The default value for the Generate Email Box on the add and edit screens. Valid values are CHECKED and UNCHECKED
MAX_SIZE_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS 0 This is the maximum size, in bytes, of attachments that are sent out with standard email notifications.  If the size of attachments exceeds this number of bytes, then the issue is not updated, the notification is not sent and the user will receive a warning.  The user may remove attachments from the notification using the Select? checkbox, and then attempt to update the issue again.  If the value is 0, the size of attachments is not sent.This setting is useful if you are working within an email environment which has a low setting for processing the size of emails and rejects emails over a specific size.
SET_EMAIL_ENCRYPTION NO Show encryption option in ad hoc email screen. Valid values are YES and NO
SUPPRESS_STANDARD_EMAIL_LIST NO If this is set to a value of YES, then no email notification is made by using ExtraView’s inbuilt logic. Instead rules defined in the Email Rules script are used to generate notifications to users. An exception to this is that email generated using email templates will still send email to the users attached to the template.