Interest Lists

An interest list is placed upon a value or combination of field values in order to notify one or more users when an issue contains the field or fields with the value or values. For example, a product manager may want an interest list on all issues that touch his product. The engineering director may want to see automatically, all the issues that are marked with a severity level of critical.

Both administrators, and to a more limited extent, users may manipulate interest lists. There is one special interest, which affects entire issues, that is not dependent upon the value of any field within an issue. In this case members of the interest list will receive notification upon all changes to the issue.

Interest lists may be global, or they may refer to a single combination of Business Area and Project. Interest lists are not inherited. Like layouts and security permissions.

Interest lists are enabled on each field from within the field’s data dictionary definition.

Interest List Definition

Any interest list for any field can be maintained from this screen. Use the Edit button by any entry to modify an existing interest list’s details, use the List button to modify the users who belong to the interest list, and to create a new interest list, click on the Add button by the prompt Add a new interest list. The following screen appears when you add a new interest list:

Adding a new interest list

If the interest list you create is to be global, create it within the * Global Interest List *, in the fields titled Business Area and Project. If you want the interest list to be mandatory for all users, then do not check the box Users may opt-out from interest list. If you check this box, users will be able to opt-out of the interest list from their account option screen. You can also disable an interest list, without deleting it from the system with the Enabled checkbox.

Note: Only regular users of ExtraView can be added to interest lists. According to the terms of the license agreement, guest and other users who only belong to the behavior setting named LIMITED_USER_ROLE, cannot be added to interest lists.

If you are creating a list value for a field in the list management area and interest lists are enabled for the field, the administrator is allowed to create an interest list for the field at that point, without going to the interest list administration screen. This is purely for convenience.

Also note that if the user has write permission to CF_INTEREST_LIST, then the user will see all the global interest lists and may opt in and opt out of these lists. The user needs write permission to individual business areas and projects to be able to opt in and opt out of any interest lists defined within these.

Personal Administration of Interest Lists

Please see the section on User Account Maintenance for details on how a user or the administrator can maintain the interest lists for the individual user.

  • Field-Based Interest Lists

  • Issue-Based Interest Lists

  • Security Permissions & Interest Lists