Environment Settings
This section of behavior settings deals with Environment settings. The available settings are:
Advanced menu- Environment Settings | Typical Value | Description |
ALLOWED_VALUES_ON_QUERY | This setting enables or disables the use of allowed values when creating filters for queries that use advanced filters. When set to YES, the child values in filter fields will only display allowed child values, assuming the parent value has already been selected in a filter that the user has already created. All values will be displayed in child allowed value lists when the setting has a value of NO. | |
ALLOW_DEBUG_URL | YES | Allows user to set up debug level of the application server log. Valid values are YES and NO. If turned off, then the user cannot alter the debug level of the log with a URL. The form of the URL is: http://server.extraview_domain.com/evj/ExtraView?DEBUG=6 The default level of debug messages is 6. Valid values are in the range 1 to 12 |
ALLOW_MOBILE_CLIENTS | YES | This behavior setting enables or disables access to the site by mobile phones and tablets. If this is set to NO, then users will not be able to sign onto the site with the ExtraView Mobile app. This does not preclude users from using a standard browser within their mobile device to sign onto ExtraView. |
ATTACHMENT_PERMANENT_DELETE | YES | When this setting is set to YES, any file attachment is permanently deleted from the server when the user deletes an attachment. When the setting is NO, the attachment is retained on the server, but is not visible on add / edit screens or on reports. However, the attachment may be viewed from the Attachment History screen for audit trail purposes. |
ATTACHMENT_REPOSITORY_DMAX | 999 | The maximum number of files or directories that will be created under one node of the external directory structure. The default for this value is 999. It is not likely that this value needs to be altered. |
ATTACHMENT_REPOSITORY_OPT | INTERNAL | This setting controls whether attachments are stored internally within the database, externally on the file system, or in some combination of the two methods. If the value of this setting is INTERNAL, then all attachments are stored internally within the database. If the value of this setting is EXTERNAL, then all the attachments are stored on the external file system. Alternatively, you may provide a comma separated list of file extensions and then all files with these extensions will be stored externally while all other files will be stored in the database. For example, if you set the value of this setting to “avi, png, gif, jpg” then files of these types will be stored externally. This strategy leaves the files stored internally in the database as searchable by keywords, while the image and video files are stored externally. The default for this value is INTERNAL. Also, ensure that the setting ATTACHMENT_REPOSITORY_ROOT is set correctly before storing attachments outside the database. |
ATTACHMENT_REPOSITORY_ROOT | The name of the directory on the file system where file attachments will be stored. Before any attachments are stored externally, you must also provide a valid setting for the setting ATTACHMENT_REPOSITORY_OPT. You must also ensure that the path is valid from the application server(s) that are running ExtraView, and that you have all the permissions to read and write to the storage. You must also ensure that you set up a separate backup method for this external storage as backing up your database will no longer backup the file attachments. | |
BLOCK_ATTACHMENT_EXTENSIONS | If a user uploads an attachment, or a file into a document field or a file into an image field, with an extension that is in this list, the file will not be stored on the server, and the user will receive a message that informs them that they are not allowed to store files of that type. The default is that all files of all types are stored. The list of file extensions is comma delimited | |
CACHE_ENABLE_FIX_FOR_IE | NO | There is a bug in Microsoft Internet Explorer which prevents documents being uploaded to a server where there is non-secure back-end server instance in a network with secure proxies. To counteract this, set the value of this behavior setting to YES when you have a network configured in this manner. This is highly unusual and most instances should not need to reset the default value of NO for this setting. |
CSS_HOME | This is the name of the directory within the stylesheets folder that contains the set of CSS files used by the user interface theme for the installation. | |
DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_CHARSET | UTF-8 | The default character encoding for files being uploaded to ExtraView. This value is used to select the initial value presented to the administrator when creating a new user. |
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE | en | Default language for the installation. This is typically EN for English |
DEFAULT_REGION | us | Default region for the installation. This is typically US for the United States |
DEFAULT_VARIANT | Default variant for the installation. This is not typically used | |
DOCUMENTATION_ACCESS | YES | This setting defines whether end users may access relevant documentation pages from a link on the menubar of their screens. Set to YES to enable this feature. |
DOCUMENTATION_BASE_URL | https://docs.extraview. com/extraview-xxx/ |
This is the location of the document pages on the ExtraView Corporation servers. This points to the documentation version of this installation. |
DOMAIN | Cookie domain – normally this is left blank. If altered, you must restart the ExtraView server for the new value to be recognized | |
ENABLE_AREAS | YES | This setting controls whether the installation works with multiple business areas or a single business area. Values can be YES or NO |
ENABLE_PROJECTS | YES | This setting controls whether you can use multiple projects within each business area. Valid values are YES and NO. Note than if you use YES, then ENABLE_AREAS must also be set to YES |
ENABLE_QUICKFIND | NO | This setting controls whether QuickFind text search is used for keyword searches. Valid values are YES and NO. Note that if you use YES the database must have text indexes created to perform the searches. |
HELP_HOME | The default for this is a null entry, in which case ExtraView points to ../WEB-INF/locales/en_US/help for the default locale. This displays the built-in help that is provided with the ExtraView installation. If the administrator for the installation provides their own help system, it works in this way:
HTTP_CHARSET | UTF-8 | The name of the default character set used within the user’s browser. It is recommended that this be “UTF-8”. If altered, you must restart the ExtraView server for the new value to be recognized |
LOCALIZE_TITLES | NO | Used to turn off and on the localization buttons within administration. This is used when you are using ExtraView’s multiple languages on the user interface. When this option is set to YES, a button with the title of “Localize” will appear beside all metadata titles and values that can be localized into different languages. Valid values are YES and NO |
MAX_LAYOUTS_IN_CACHE | 100 | This is the maximum number of layouts that will remain cached in memory once they have been built upon their first access. This layout caching improves the performance of ExtraView significantly. If this number is increased, attention should be paid to the amount of free memory available in the application server. If this number is too high compared to the amount of memory available, then the system may run out of memory |
MESSAGE_WORKER_COUNT | 1 | The behavior setting MESSAGE_WORKER_COUNT controls the number of Message Workers to be allocated for message and title access. This must be set to an integer from 1 to n. Each Message Worker requires a single Connection to be permanently allocated to that Worker. Therefore, setting this value to a high number (near the ConnectionPool’s maximum number of connections, for example), will starve other threads of available connections. Normally 1 is the recommended value. The maximum number should be the maximum number of connections defined in your Configuration.properties file |
MULTI_LOCALE | YES | ExtraView will behave as a single locale system, using the language specified in the behavior setting named DEFAULT_LANGUAGE when this value is NO. When it is set to YES, then the administrator may add additional language locales to the system, and provide localized messages and metadata for each locale.From version 23 onward, it is recommended that you set this setting to a value of YES. Some years ago, having the setting as NO gave slightly better performance, but but with up-to-date hardware, this is no longer an issue. In the future, some features may not work in single locale instances, |
QUICKFIND_ACTIVE_INDEX | PRIMARY | This setting determines which index is currently active for QuickFind. The value may be PRIMARY or ALTERNATE. Quickfind keyword searches are performed using the directory in QUICKFIND_INDEX_LOCATION as the primary or QUICKFIND_INDEX_LOCATION_ALT as the alternate respectively |
QUICKFIND_INDEX_ENUMERATED | NO | This setting controls whether the titles to UDFs are indexed. If indexed, keyword searches that contain issues with the values of these titles will be returned within the results |
QUICKFIND_INDEX_LOCATION | The name of the directory on the file system where the Quickfind text indexes will be stored. Before any indexes are built, you must also enable full text searching by setting ENABLE_QUICKFIND. You must also ensure that the path is valid from the application server(s) that are running ExtraView, and that you have all the permissions to read and write to the storage. You must also ensure that you set up a separate backup method for this external storage as backing up your database will not backup the full text indexes | |
This is an alternate directory path for the QUICKFIND index files. When using the ALTERNATE QUICKFIND_ACTIVE_INDEX, keyword searches are performed using this directory. | |
QUICKFIND_INDEX_USERS | This setting controls whether Quickfind includes user IDs in the text search for keyword searches. Valid values are YES and NO. | |
REAL_IP_HEADER | The name of a request header to use to retrieve a client’s IP address. This is useful if the application server works behind a proxy or load balancer, and the request comes from that IP, and a header was added with the clients original IP address. If this behavior setting is configured, and the header exists in the request, and it has a reasonable value, then it is used as the IP address. Many proxy servers, load balancers and some application servers do not set the standard HTTP header properly. This setting may be used when your application server works behind a proxy server or load balancer, and users are seeing unexpected session expiries. | |
0 | This setting provides optional compression for the responses to Ajax calls from the user’s screen. A setting of 0 does not provide any compression. The value is the number of kilobytes of data that are to be sent to the browser within the Ajax response. When the amount of data to be sent is above this threshold, the data will be compressed on the server, and then expanded by the client browser. There is a tradeoff that is highly dependent on the speed of the network between your users and the server. The higher the volume of data to be sent, the longer the transmission time, but the client browser then needs time to decompress the data. If you believe your installation will benefit from this compression, we suggest starting with a value of around 50. If your network is slow, a smaller number may provide better performance. |
SERVICE_STATISTICS | NO | YES writes additional statistics to the application server log, providing detailed timings of the execution of each service and how much data was generated and sent to the client browser. NO turns this facility off |
SITE_URL | The full URL of the site, e.g. http://extraview.company_name.com. This setting is optional. If it is not provided, ExtraView assigns two values internally, one to be used from within the company’s network, and one to be used externally. When the ExtraView application server initializes, the server will look at the value in this behavior setting. If the incoming request to start the server originated from a SSL session, the two values set internally will similar to: Internal URL: http://extraview.company_name.com/evj External URL: https://extraview.company_name.com/evj The values set can be seen in the application server log in the startup section. If the incoming request to start the server originated from a standard HTTP session, the two URLs will be identical. There are some circumstances where the administrator will need to set a different URL, and this is done by placing the value directly into the SITE_URL value. The most common reason for requiring this is when you see a notification email from ExtraView, where the Edit button is missing and its URL is malformed. The setting is also sensitive to your web server configuration and any redirection provided there. If you have set up redirection in your web server, these URLs may be different. If SSL is being used within your environment and the URL to access ExtraView therefore begins with https://, then the SITE_URL must be set to https://extraview.companyname.com/evj in order for drill downs from email and other remote applications to work correctly. With redirection, it is probable that you may not use a form such as http://extraview.company_name.com/evj/ExtraView to sign on. It is most probable that you will use http://extraview.company_name.com/evj. If you provide an incorrect value for this setting, it is highly likely that users will not be able to sign on to ExtraView. If altered, you must restart the ExtraView server for the new value to be recognized | |
USER_CUSTOM_CLASSNAME | com.extraview. usercustom. CustomCodeBase | Log timing data for every user custom method call. Valid values are YES and NO |
USER_CUSTOM_ENABLE_METRICS | NO | Log timing data for every user custom method call. Valid values are YES and NO |
USER_CUSTOM_JAVASCRIPT | This setting provides the capability for custom JavaScript files to be loaded into the Add and Edit screens. To load multiple files, separate the entries with a semi-colon. The path(s) you enter are relative to the directory named javascript within your ExtraView instance. No checking is done by ExtraView for the existence of the file, so it is important to enter the correct path(s) and filename(s) |