
List administration is the administrative section where you can manipulate all the lists that comprise the metadata values within ExtraView. For example, this is where you maintain lists of business areas, products, modules, and many other items. This includes all the lists that you create as User Defined Fields.

For convenience, the list of items on this screen includes Privacy Groups and User Roles. These lists can be viewed and modified both from this administrative section as well as within the Users section.

The metadata field lists that appear on this screen include all fields with a data dictionary display type of List and Tab.

Lists values may be dependent upon values in other lists. This is termed Allowed Values, and is covered in more depth in the Field Administration section of this guide.

Interest Lists are also maintained for field values within List maintenance. For example, if you want to maintain an interest list for a specific product, or an interest list for Priority 1 issues, then this is completed through the add and edit functions of each list.

  • Managing Lists

  • Field List Values

  • Loading List Values from Files

  • List Entries with Allowed Values

  • End-User List Management

  • Aliased Lists

  • Lists with Enabled Interest Lists

  • Lists with Special Properties