Administrator-Controlled Email Features

  • Turn system-wide email on or off
  • Disable email generation control for user roles
  • Control specific notification option for user roles while adding and updating issues.  This may be controlled on a PROJECT by PROJECT basis
  • Enable or disable email to external users
  • Optionally assign a module owner who will automatically receive notification upon a new or updated issue
  • Optionally set a product email address to notify a product manager upon a new or updated issue
  • The administrator can set up conditions which, when met, will cause an action to occur. Most often, this is used to escalate issues when they have remained in a specific status for longer than your process requires
  • The email subject line can be tailored to contain text or any fields within the current issue
  • Optionally show the email recipient the CC list for the notification
  • The administrator can define email templates as either text or HTML. These templates can contain as much or as little data as is required for the standard notification of issues to ExtraView users
  • The administrator can optionally define a range of email templates that can be used to communicate with customers or users, merging data from the current issue with pre-defined text. These templates can be made available on a user role basis

See also the section on Scheduled Reports for information on how the administrator may control the email delivery of reports to users.

  • Email Options

  • Assign Module Owners

  • Notification Subject Line

  • Notification History

  • CC Email Capability

  • Disabling Email Generation

  • BatchMail Task

  • Locale Handling