
Runs an existing ExtraView report or obtains a list of reports to which the current user has access.


evreport [-c|-t] [-n] [-r] [-s skipcount] [-l pagelength]

evreport [-r] [-l page_length] [-s record_start] [-c|-t] [“report title”]


This command allows the user to run an existing Report or to obtain a list of all the reports that the current user can run.

To obtain the list of reports that can be run, the user simply enters the command evreport, without any parameters. The command will return a list of the reports, sorted by the user’s personal reports, then the shared reports that can be run. After the list of reports, the user is prompted for the report number that they want to run. Entering the report number executes that report.

The parameters to the command are explained as follows:

-c The report will be produced in a columnar format. This option has no effect on summary reports. This option cannot be used with the -t option.Column widths default to 15 characters. These defaults can be modified with the existence of a file named report.txt, either in $HOME/.evreport (evreport.txt on Windows) or publicly in evcli/report.txt. This file has the following format:

Status = -10
Title = 20.18
Assigned To = 12
EOL = ':'

Negative numbers cause left justification.

The “.18” suffix in the above example indicates that the field has a maximum length of 18 characters.

If it is longer than 18 characters, the field contents will be truncated.

Fields with embedded newlines will have their newlines converted to a single blank space. An alternate replacement string may be specified by defining EOL in the report.txt file.

-t The report will be produced in tabular format. This is similar to columnar format, except that fields do not have a fixed width, and a tab character is used as a separator between fields. This option cannot be used with -c
-n Suppresses the report header and the record total at the end of the report
-r Output data in XML format
-l pagelength Causes the output to paginate pagelength records at a time. The default for pagelength is 10
-s skipcount Causes the output to skip over ‘skipcount-1’ issues, and begin the report starting with record number skipcount


Run the evreport command and choose a report to run:

$ evreport
1. Assigned to you - Issues Assigned to you - Summary
2. Originated by you - Issues Originated by you - Summary
3. Owned by you - Issues you own - Summary
4. Summary of Issues by Business Area - Open Issues Only - Summary

Report? 2
Originated by you
Issues Originated by you

Originator        System Status Total
================= ====== ====== =====
Gregor McPherson  Atlas  New        2
Open       1
Main   Fixed      1
New        1
Open       1

Run an existing report with the name of All Feature Requests. Note the use of the quote marks around the report name.

$ evreport "All Feature Requests"
-------------- 1
ID #: 10215
Severity: Low
Date Created: 1/21/05 2:48 PM
Title: We need to add a new prompt to the screen to ask for the user name
Repeating Rows:
1 record found.