Modify the field values of an existing issue
evupdate [-n]
evupdate [-n][-i] [field1=value1 field2=value2 … fieldn=valuen] [q]
evupdate [-n] -e [-v] [-f <mytemplate>]
This command allows a user to modify an existing issue in the ExtraView database. All permissions and business rules, including email notification, are implemented the same way through the CLI as they are when issues are modified through the GUI. The fields used with this command are those that are placed on the EDIT_PROBLEM layout for the current business area and project.
This command may be run three different ways.
Interactive Menu
When the -e command line option is not specified, and the user does not terminate a list of fields on the command line with the letter q, evupdate will display a menu of all the fields available for modifying an issue. Each field is identified by a number. After the menu is displayed, the user will see the prompt, Enter number or q to submit:. When a field number is entered, evupdate will prompt for the value for that field. If the field is a list, the list of available values for that list will be displayed. If the field is a multiple line text field, the user may enter multiple lines of input text. These fields must be terminated by a line containing just a period.
In this menu, an asterisk (*) will identify any field that is required but does not have a value. After a value has been entered for a required field, the asterisk will be removed from the display.
After all the desired field values have been entered, press q to exit the menu and submit the update to ExtraView.
Command-line only
If all desired fields are included on the command line, and a trailing q ends the command line, the issue will be immediately submitted to ExtraView for update.
When field values are provided on the command line without a trailing q, the user will go into the interactive menu with those field values already populated.
Edit Mode
The -e option invokes an editor to perform the data entry. The editor will use a template file as the basis for collecting the field values for modifying the issue.
In UNIX, the editor defaults to /bin/vi. In Microsoft Windows environments, the editor defaults to c:\windows\notepad.exe. An alternate editor may be specified by either the EVEDITOR environment variable, by an EDITOR line in the evconfig.txt file, or by the EDITOR environment variable.
The template file will be created by one of five methods:
- The -f <mytemplate> command line option
- The EVADD environment variable
- The existence of the file $HOME/.evadd (evadd.txt on Windows)
- The existence of the file evcli/add.txt
- The file will automatically be generated from the list of fields returned by evaddlist.
The format of a template file is similar to the following:
The period following the Comments field in the example above signifies that a multiple line input is allowed. Text for multi-line fields should be inserted immediately after the line containing the multi-line field title (Comments in this example). A period on a line by itself terminates a multi-line field. If a multi-line field is not terminated with a period, evupdate will treat the rest of the template file as part of the multi-line field, when the issue is submitted to ExtraView.
Similarly, when entering multi-line fields either through the interactive menu, or with the -a option, the field must be terminated with a line containing just a period.
When entering text into a multiple line field, the user may read in the contents of an existing file, as if that file had been typed in directly, by using the ~r fname command on a line by itself. This is very useful for entering information into fields with display types of Text Area, Log Area, or Print Text.
When adding an attachment (through any of the methods described above, type in the attachment file name, followed by a space, and then the attachment description, on the lines following the keyword Attachments. Only one attachment may be specified per line.
-n | suppresses the email notification sent whenever an issue is updated |
-i | indicates that fields will be identified by their fixed database names instead of by their display titles |
-a | runs the command in prompt mode |
-e | runs the command in edit mode |
-v | adds additional field list value information in the initial template file used with in edit mode |
-f templatefile | use templatefile as the initial template file |
fieldn=valuen | assigns an initial value to a field. fieldn is the Display Title of a field. valuen must be a valid value for that field |
q | ends a list of ‘fieldname=value’ pairs, the user will not be prompted for additional input. |
Repeating row data may not be added to an issue through the CLI.
% evupdate 12256
1. Title 11. Severity
2. Product 12. Assigned To
3. Category 13. OS
4. Component 14. Customer
5. Platforms 15. Clarify ID
6. Description 16. Owner
7. Comments 17. View
8. Workaround 18. Test Case ID
9. Release Notes 19. Test Case Location
10. Priority
Enter number or q to submit: 10
Current value of Priority: P3
1. P0
2. P1
3. P2
4. P3
5. P4
6. P5
Choice for Priority? 2
1. Title 11. Severity
2. Product 12. Assigned To
3. Category 13. OS
4. Component 14. Customer
5. Platforms 15. Clarify ID
6. Description 16. Owner
7. Comments 17. View
8. Workaround 18. Test Case ID
9. Release Notes 19. Test Case Location
10. Priority
Priority => P1
Enter number or q to submit: q
Bug # 12256 updated.