Installation & Configuration
Please consult the Installation & Upgrade Guide for details on how to install the CLI.
Configuring for Linux / UNIX
To configure the CLI, all users must configure their accounts with an environment variable named EVDIR. This should have a value that points to the directory that contains the file named evconfig.txt. For example, the appropriate command may be:
setenv EVDIR=/extraview/api
The evconfig.txt File
The file evconfig.txt contains information that points to the server components where ExtraView is located as well as other required information. An example of the file is shown below.
POP3_USER = myname
POP3_PASSWORD = mypass
SUBJ_REGEX = ^Subject
SERVER | This entry is the URL of the ExtraView API module as installed |
POP3_USER | The user’s email address on the POP3 server |
POP3_PASSWORD | The user’s email password on the POP3 server |
POP3_SERVER | The address of the POP3 server on the network |
SUBJ_REGEX | Regular expression used to identify the submitted issue and the action to be taken when the mail is processed |
SMTP_CC | This address is used when delivery of mail through ExtraView fails. This avoids mail not being delivered to any address and just sitting in a queue |
SMTP_FAIL_MSG_FNAM | This is the absolute path of a file that contains a template to be used in the event of a failure of the mail delivery system through ExtraView. If the message is not processed by ExtraView, this file is used as the body of the mail to be sent to the addresses in SMTP_FROM and SMTP_CC. If the body contains a tag __BODY__, then the tag is replaced by the email being processed. If the body contains a tag __REASON_, then the tag is replaced by the error message returned as an error message from ExtraView |
SMTP_FROM | This address is used when delivery of mail through ExtraView fails. This avoids mail not being delivered to any address and just sitting in a queue |
SMTP_SERVER | The SMTP server for email |
-B true | This is an optional entry within the file. If this is present, the CLI will not attempt to use SAML as an authentication method if this is used for thebrowser interface, but will use ExtraView’s internal authentication mechanism |
Configuring for Microsoft Windows
This is very similar to the Linux / UNIX installation. Please follow the instructions but with these differences:
- The .evrc file is named evrc.txt and is stored in the current directory
- Windows NT and Windows 2000 use AT commands as opposed to cron jobs to run tasks on a timed basis.
Configuring the CLI to work with HTTPS
The CLI supports HTTPS, SSL SMTP and SSL POP3. Configuring the CLI to use these features requires manual configuration.
Step 1
Modify the evconfig.txt configuration file by adding the following lines:
HTTPS = on
POP3_SSL = on
POP3_SSL_PORT = 995 # change to your POP3 port number
SMTP_SSL_PORT = 465 # change to your SMTP port number
HB_SMTP_SSL_PORT=465 # change to your HB_SMTP port number
Step 2
Download and install OpenSSL from This must be done before the next step in the installation procedure.
Step 3
Download and manually install the following Perl Modules. These cannot be automatically installed by ExtraView’s installation procedures as ExtraView’s installation is machine independent and these modules generate and install machine-specific code during their installation.
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Version: 1.30
Author: Sampo Kellomaki
<> CPAN:</>
<> IO-Socket-SSL
Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.
Version: 1.08
Author: Steffen Ullrich & Peter Behroozi & Marko Asplund
SSL support for Net::SMTP
Version: 1.01
Author: Casey West
<><> Crypt-SSLeay
OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Version: 0.53
Author: Joshua Chamas
CPAN: </></>