
ExtraView is a Web-based business process management and issue-tracking system designed for organizations that need to track product and service issues, manage product requirements, improve team communication, and increase the efficiency of core processes. It is especially powerful in meeting the needs of applications in regulated industries, where a high degree of reliability and audit capability is needed.

This document covers the use of ExtraView in a number of pre-configured solutions. Note that all administrative functions are covered in the ExtraView Administration Guide. This guide covers the end-user aspects of using ExtraView. The version of ExtraView that you install may or may not include pre-configured solutions. These solutions can most often be downloaded from the ExtraView web site. You may use any or all of these unchanged, or you may alter the functionality of an individual solution, or you may turn off any unneeded pre-configured solution (the administrator uses the Grant Security Privileges function in the Administration section to do this). In addition, the administrator may also create new tracking systems, named Business Areas. Sample Business Areas include tracking systems for the following types of systems:

  • Knowledgebase
  • CRM
  • Customer Support
  • Feature Requests
  • CAPA
  • Helpdesk
  • Bug Tracking
  • Task Management
  • Adverse Event Reporting
  • Document Management
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Safety Issue Tracking

Linking worldwide functional teams, ExtraView collects and routes issues, requirements, defects, customer support calls, trouble tickets, and enhancement requests into one easy-to-use Web-based system. ExtraView represents and enforces your workflow and processes without the need for expensive programming and time-consuming setup. ExtraView’s intuitive operability and easy customization allows developers, engineers, quality assurance personnel, and others to devote their time to resolving immediate product development issues instead of spending their time implementing and maintaining costly, unwieldy, or poorly integrated internal tracking systems. In addition to creating and maintaining internal processes and workflow for greater efficiency, ExtraView can also empower your customers and partners. ExtraView makes it easy to provide limited data views so that customers and other outside users can submit issues, track issues, and verify resolutions without compromising the security of internal issues.

The Issue

This guide will often refer to an issue. An issue may be an issue, ticket, defect, customer support call, customer, help desk record, or any other type of item stored in the ExtraView database.

  • Getting Started

  • ExtraView Functional Highlights