Recommended Software
The recommended software components for this version of ExtraView are listed under the Server Requirements page. It is possible that other components will work, but they may not have been certified these for use with ExtraView. This page provides some specific information on third-party software components and how they should be configured.
Oracle Standard Edition, Version or later versions of 11.2
The database should be created using the AL32UTF16 / UTF-8 character set. ExtraView may run successfully using other character sets, but it has not been tested and certified on these and ExtraView will not provide support for them. In addition, it is very important that the multi-threaded MTS system options are turned off.
You must install the Oracle software separately from ExtraView, before beginning the installation of ExtraView. You will be provided with scripts to create the necessary tablespaces and the schema user with the necessary privileges.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012
The database should be created using the UCS-2 character set. ExtraView may run successfully using other character sets, but it has not been tested and certified on these and ExtraView will not provide support for them.
The database must be configured with mixed mode authentication turned on.
You must install SQL Server software separately from ExtraView, before beginning the installation of ExtraView.
JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server
The JDBC driver provided by Microsoft is not supported by ExtraView, as it has several problems which have not been repaired by Microsoft, particularly as they support the use of database BLOB’s. ExtraView includes the jTDS JDBC driver for use with SQL Server. It is strongly recommended that you use this driver.
MySQL, Versions 5.7
Please ensure that the database installation is configured per the guidelines listed further on in this guide.
Web Servers
Apache Web Server, Version 2.4
The package can be downloaded from It is strongly recommended that you configure your web server with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This is a fundamental requirement for a secure environment and ExtraView Corporation cannot provide any assurances for the security of the ExtraView environment without this basic configuration.
Microsoft IIS Version 6.0
This is an alternative to the Apache web server and also requires a separate license, available from Microsoft Corporation. ExtraView Corporation does not provide this license as part of ExtraView. When using IIS, Apache Tomcat is required to be installed as an application server. It is strongly recommended that you configure your web server with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This is a fundamental requirement for a secure environment and ExtraView Corporation cannot provide any assurances for the security of the ExtraView environment without this basic configuration.
Application Servers
Apache Tomcat Application Server, Versions 8.0
The package can be downloaded from
JBoss 7.0
Full installation instructions for JBoss with ExtraView are not provided, but please use these points along with the standard JBoss installation instructions:
- The ExtraView
file should be modified, in order to make it conform to the typical JBoss path structure. The servlet jar for JBoss is in different location to where the file is expected. These settings should replace the settings in the file:JAVA_HOME=/app/java/jdk1.x.x.x/jre/ JBOSS_HOME=/app/user_domains/xxx/jbossxxdomains/xxx-tst/xxx-tst_server1/ EV_BASE=/deployments/uimsxxx.war/ SERVLET_JAR=/app/jboss/jboss-eap-x.x.x/modules/system/layers/base/javax /servlet/api/main/jboss-servlet-api_3.0_spec-1.0.2.Final-redhat-1.jar
- Load balancing under an Apache server needs modifications from the standard instructions:
- Modify the
file# Worker for area [xxx(2657)]URL [] worker.amrndhl277_15619.type=ajp13 worker.amrndhl277_15619.port=15619 worker.amrndhl277_15619.route=*yyy-tst_server1* # Worker for area [xxx(2657)]URL [] worker.amrndhl278_15619.type=ajp13 worker.amrndhl278_15619.port=15619 worker.amrndhl278_15619.route=*yyy-tst_server2* # LB Worker for area [xxx(2657)] URL []: worker.lb_yyy_tst.my_company.com_80.type=lb worker.lb_yyy_tst.my_company.com_80.balance_workers=amrnd *worker.lb_yyy_tst.my_company.com_80.sticky_session=1*
- Modify the
fileAdd a subsystem with an instance-id property that matches the route property in for each work defined above.- AMRNDHL277
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1"... instance-id="*yyy-tst_server1”*>
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1"... instance-id="*yyy-tst_server2*">
- Modify the
Java Support
Java 2 JDK or JRE, Standard Edition, Version 1.8
The package can be downloaded from
ANSI C Compiler
GNU C Compiler
This is only required if you want to compile your own version of Apache, as opposed to use a pre-compiled version.
The GNU C compiler (GCC) from the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is recommended. However, as an alternative, ensure your vendor’s compiler is ANSI compliant. You can find the homepage of GNU at and the GCC distribution under
Command Line Interface
Perl, Version 5.12.3
The CLI is an optional component of ExtraView. If you will be using the CLI, you must install this software. You may download an open source version of the Strawberry Perl software from here.
In addition, you will need to download the following additional Perl modules from CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). The required modules are:
- Mail::Sendmail
- Mail::POP3Client
- Mail::Sender
- MIME::Parser
- HTML::FormatText
ExtraView must be able to access Microsoft Exchange or an SMTP-based email server, in order to generate outbound email notifications.
If you are configuring ExtraView to accept incoming emails to create new issues and/or update existing issues, then you will require a mailbox to be available exclusively to ExtraView.
Overall Server Recommendations
The current server recommendations can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.