Install the Command Line Interface

The ExtraView Command Line Interface is an optional component. First you must install the recommended version of Perl on your computer. The open-source version can be downloaded from, or you may purchase a commercially supported version from Install Perl before completing the remainder of these steps.

Download the CLI from the ExtraView Support site download page. Download the file named evcli_unix.tar and expand this file into a folder on your computer from where you will run the CLI.

If you are upgrading, you may have a folder called evapi or evcli. The new package will have a version-specific name.

mkdir $BASE/perl/
cp $BASE/apache-tomcat-5.5.25/webapps/evj/WEB-INF/data/evcli_unix.tar
cd $BASE/perl/
tar xvf evcli_unix.tar
cd evjXXX_evcli
PERL_HOME = $BASE/ActivePerl-5.8;
export PERL_HOME
$PERL_HOME/bin/perl -p -i -e “s#/usr/local/bin/perl#$PERL_HOME/bin/perl#” ev*
chmod +x ev*

Run the following check to verify that the installation is working as expected. The program goes through each Perl script and verifies that the required Perl modules are installed. If this gives you any errors, please contact ExtraView Support.


Now configure the file evconfig.txt to connect to your ExtraView installation.

vi evconfig.txt

Set this to the URL for your newly installed ExtraView.