Perforce Configuration

Create Client and User

Create a Perforce client and a user that will be used by the Integration Daemon to create and update jobs in Perforce.

The integration daemon uses password-based authentication, although ticket-based authentication can be used with tickets that do not expire. Please work with your Perforce server administrator to ensure that the Perforce account used for the integration can access the Perforce server for an indefinite time period.

Edit Jobspec

As a Perforce administrator user, edit the jobspec according to your requirements and use of ExtraView. If you are using the command line version of Perforce, use the p4 jobspec command to edit the jobspec. New fields for the ExtraView ID and URL values (e.g., EVid and EVurl) must be configured in the jobspec in order for the integration daemon to operate successfully.

Warning: Do not alter the definition of the standard fields that are included in the jobspec, namely fields 101 through 105. The Perforce Administrator Guide provides warnings about this fact in the Customizing Perforce: Job Specifications chapter.

For example, here is a sample jobspec that includes the following additional fields for mapping to ExtraView issues: EVid, EVstatus, EVpriority, EVurl, and EVtitle.

> p4 jobspec -o
# A Perforce Job Spec Specification.
#  Updating this form can be dangerous!
#  See 'p4 help jobspec' for proper directions.

        101 Job word 32 required
        102 Status select 10 required
        103 User word 32 required
        104 Date date 20 always
        105 Description text 0 required
        110 EVid word 10 optional
        111 EVstatus select 10 default
        112 EVpriority select 10 required
        113 EVurl line 50 optional
        114 EVtitle line 50 default

        Status open/suspended/closed
        EVpriority Critical/High/Medium/Low

        Status open
        User $USER
        Date $NOW
        Description "default description"
        EVstatus UNASSIGNED
        EVpriority Medium
        EVtitle "Default Job Title"

        # A Perforce Job Specification.
        #  Job:         The job name.  'new' generates a sequenced job number.
        #  Status:      Either 'open', 'closed', or 'suspended'.
        #  User:        The user who created the job. Can be changed.
        #  Date:        The date this specification was last modified.
        #  Description: Comments about the job.  Required.
        #  EVid:        ExtraView issue id.  Optional.
        #  EVstatus:    Either OPEN, UNASSIGNED, CLOSED, NEW, REJECTED,
        #               DUPLICATE, FIXED.  Optional.
        #  EVpriority:  Either Critical, High, Medium, or Low.  Required.
        #  EVurl:       Shortcut URL to ExtraView issue.  Optional.
        #  EVtitle:     Short description.  Optional.