Install the ExtraView Servlet
You have been provided with a file with a name in the format of evjxxx.tar. This contains the ExtraView application. xxx is the version and build number of ExtraView that you are installing.
The ExtraView web application is generally installed under the directory named /usr/local/extraview/tomcat/webapps.
We suggest that your ExtraView application be installed in a folder named evj under this webapps folder. This will make your ExtraView application default URL:
For simplicity, you may change your web server settings to offer the following as the URL to point directly to ExtraView:
If you are upgrading, locate your existing ExtraView application folder under the webapps directory, and rename this folder so that it is not overwritten in the next step. This will retain a backup copy of the ExtraView software installation files.
mv evj evj_old
Install the ExtraView Application Software
cp evjxxx.tar /apache-tomcat-7.0-22/webapps
cd /apache-tomcat-7.0-22/webapps
tar xvf evjxxx.tar
mv evjxxx evj
vi evj/WEB-INF/configuration/
Edit the configuration file /apache-tomcat-7.0-22/webapps/evj/WEB-INF/configuration/ for the following entries:
You can find a complete listing of all of the available parameters in the file here
DB_HOST | The IP address, localhost or fully qualified name for your database server |
DB_USER | This is the name of the database user created previously |
DB_PASSWORD | This is the password for the above database user |
DB_URL | Make sure that the correct entry is uncommented and edited for your DBMS (Oracle, MSSQL or mySQL). The entry for HOST should be set to the same as DB_HOST above. The entry for SID should be the SID of the Oracle database, or the database name for MSSQL or mySQL |
JDBCDriver | Make sure that the correct entry is uncommented and edited for your DBMS (Oracle, MSSQL or mySQL) |
DBMS_INTERFACE | Make sure that the correct entry is uncommented and edited for your DBMS (Oracle, MSSQL or mySQL) |
The following is an example of the using Oracle as the database:
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_USER = extraview
DB_PASSWORD = password
DB_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS= (HOST=localhost)(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=ev )))
JDBCDriver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
The following is an example of the using mySQL as the database:
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_USER = extraview
DB_PASSWORD = password
DB_URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ev
JDBCDriver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DBMS_INTERFACE = com.extraview.dbms.mysql.MysqlDbms
The following is an example of the using MSSQL as the database:
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_USER = extraview
DB_PASSWORD = password
DB_URL = jdbc:inetdae7://localhost:1433/extraview
JDBCDriver = com.inet.tds.TdsDriver
DBMS_INTERFACE = com.extraview.dbms.mssql.MssqlDbms
You must configure SQL Server with mixed mode authentication, not just Windows authentication. For named instances, provide the port number in the JDBC URL – not the named instance name.
For example, if your named instance is SERVERINSTANCE1 running on port 4000 then the parameters in the file will be:
DB_URL = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SERVER:4000/ev
where ev is the name of the database you created in the named instance.
The SERVER name can be a server name, fully qualified domain name or IP address. It cannot be of the format SERVERINSTANCE1,4000.
Note:If you are running MSSQL: Starting with ExtraView 5.x, ExtraView now provides a JDBC driver for MSSQL. We no longer require or support the Sprinta JDBC driver that was used in the 4.x versions of ExtraView. If you are upgrading from 4.x and had previously been using the 20-connection Sprinta driver for MSSQL, you can now use the default values provided in the for 7.x for ConnectionPoolSize and ConnectionPoolMax, instead of the previously-limited 20, as the new jTDS driver does not have a 20 connection limit.
Additional Steps for Upgrades
Continue editing the file within the new installation to populate the needed parameters. You should bring over any settings from your existing file in evj.old/WEB-INF/configuration.
vi evj/WEB-INF/configuration/
Now you need to copy over the files from your existing application that are specific to your installation:
cp evj_old/images/CompanyLogo.gif evj/images cp -rf evj_old/WEB-INF/user_templates evj/WEB-INF
If you have user custom JavaScript code that was written either by ExtraView Corporation, or by your developers, you should add any of your custom methods in the evj_old/javascript/user_javascript/UserJavascript.js file to the new file in evj/javascript/user_javascript.
You may or may not have files in the user_javascript and the user_templates folders, depending on your initial installation.
If you have customized images other than the Company Logo, those have to be copied to the new installation from the old installation. Depending on your installation, you may also have installed images for additional locales. You will then have to perform the same action for each locale, by replacing en_US with the appropriate directory name. If you are upgrading from ExtraView 4.x or 5.x to 7.x, and you have a custom image set, please contact ExtraView Corporation to get further information on updating your image set for the new version of ExtraView.
cp -r evj_old/locales/en_US/images/images_custom evj
UserCustom Class Software Upgrade
If you have User Custom code implemented, please review the name of your User Custom class(es) in the directory(ies) named
If you have files in these locations, then you must contact ExtraView Corporation in order to make certain that you are upgrading your User Custom code to the correct new version. At the very minimum, these files should be recompiled using Java 6. If you have files in the /usr/local/extraview/tomcat/webapps/evj/WEB-INF/classes folder that are not in the “usercustom” locations, you should *not* copy these files to the new evj folder – please contact ExtraView Corporation for assistance. These files are likely bugfix patch classes, and are not needed in the new version.
cd evj/WEB-INF
cp -r ../../evj_old/WEB-INF/classes .