Mass Update Report Layouts

There is a special report layout type named MASS_UPDATE_REPORT. This layout controls the fields that are visible to users who have permission to use the Mass Update utility. This layout does not exist by default within an ExtraView installation, but if one or more of these layouts are created with a layout type of this name, they will display the fields you place on the layout(s), as opposed to the fields which appear as these defaults:

  • VIEW_BUTTON – View Button
  • ID – The issue ID
  • SHORT_DESCR – The title to the issue
  • The specific fields chosen by the user to update
  • AREA – The Business Area
  • PROJECT – The Project

If you have not already created a MASS_UPDATE_REPORT layout type, begin by creating this layout type using the admin utility named Create and Maintain Layout Types. It should have a type of Report. Then, add a layout using this type, into the specific business area and/or project where you want users to see different fields on the mass update screen. You use the Design Center for this purpose. If you add the layout into the Global Area / Master Project, then the layout is used system-wide.

It is recommended that you place the ID field as the field in the first column of your MASS_UPDATE_REPORT layout. This will then appear along with the VIEW_BUTTON at the left. Following this will be the field(s) on your layout.

At the right-hand of your layout, the fields that you are updating will appear. If you do not place the ID field on your layout, it will still appear, but to the right-hand of the layout, along with the VIEW_BUTTON. Following this will be the fields that you are updating.