Output & Query Options

Report Destination

This select box allows you to control the destination of the report. The choices are:

  • Output to saved format – this outputs the report to the format saved with the report. Note that for Quicklist and Detailed reports, this is always Browser output
  • Output to Browser
  • Output to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (plain output)
  • Output to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (formatted output)
  • Output to Microsoft Word document
  • Output to Adobe PDF document
  • Output to text file

Note that some reports (such as charts) can only be output to the browser window or to a PDF document. Calendar reports and planning reports can only be output to the browser window. Note that when you output reports to Microsoft Excel, there is an option to output the plain, raw data with no formatting or to output the data with formatting. The formatted output will only work with the 2003 version of Microsoft Excel or later. There is no support for formatted output with earlier versions. When you are outputting the plain data, no totals or statistics are generated. This allows you to create your own totals and formulae, as you need, within Excel. If your data in ExtraView contains double-byte characters (this normally means Asian languages) then you should set your Microsoft Office character set to windows-1250 within your personal options.

Also note that you cannot output some field display types to Excel, as there is no mechanism within Excel that would allow you to view these fields. For example, you cannot output attachments, HTML Area fields, document fields, and image fields to Excel.

Records per Page

You can choose to output a different number of records for the report on each page. These numbers have been defined by the system administrator, but by default are 20, 100, 500 and unlimited. If you are outputting the results to a browser, then you are able to page back and forward between pages of the report. If you are outputting to any other device, the report will display the number of records selected in this field. Note that ExtraView remembers the last entry in this field and will use the value for successive reports until you change it once again, except for an unlimited numbers of records. ExtraView does not remember this selection. Also, please note that your Administrator may have disabled the option to retrieve an unlimited number of records.

Note that the control of Records per Page only applies to reports directed to the browser, not to reports sent to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or text. This is deliberate, as in use, it is typical to want all the records for a report exported at one time.

Query Options

  • Condensed / Expanded Query Filters – When you are in Condensed mode each query filter on the screen allows a single selection. When you are in Expanded mode, each filter that has a display type of list or tab allows multiple selections. Note that you will only see these options if your administrator has granted you permission. This is discussed in detail below.
  • Standard / Advanced Query Screen – When you are in Standard query mode, you see a range of query filters (either in Expanded or Condensed mode), as set up by your administrator. You select filters for the report by choosing from the various selection lists or entering text or numeric information. When you are in Advanced query mode, you create query filters one at a time. Standard query mode is quick and simple to use for straightforward searches, but Advanced mode allows more complex query filters to be built before running your report. Note that you will only see these options if your administrator has granted you permission.
  • Clear Filters – Pressing this button clears all the query filters on the screen back to their initial state