Repeating Records

The basic principle of the repeating row layout is that it provides a repeating block of fields, where each block can be added by the user at runtime, creating additional fields on the screen. For example, you may want to have a row of fields that refer to a sub-issue, assigning part of an issue to an individual. You can create as many rows as needed, to assign different parts of the issue to different people. For example, a issue may be discovered within versions 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of a product. ExtraView allows the issue to be broken down into individual parts that can be tracked independently. For example, version 1.2 may be assigned for repair to Engineer A, version 1.3 to Engineer B and version 1.4 to Engineer C.

Example of repeating record

Fields on repeating records are entered the same as any other field. However, you will be able to press a button to “Add another Release”, in order to add another entry line to the form. Special rules apply, if your administrator has decided to deactivate a field such as Version Open, and no longer allow access to add this value to new entries.

  • The select lists on the add screen do not contain the inactive values
  • Existing records remain unaltered when a value is made inactive
  • If you edit a record with an inactive value, the select list will contain the active values plus the one inactive value already set in the record
  • The user may leave the inactive value alone and update repeated rows of the record, in which case nothing is changed within the field with the inactive value
  • The user may alter the inactive value to an active one and update the record. The inactive value will never be available to that record again.