This method defines a custom template for the rendering of the buttons on the menubar on Add and Edit screens.
Add Issue, Add Confirmation, Edit Issue screens
public LinkedHashMap
,> addCustomButtonTemplate( Connection dbconn,// the database connection SesameSession session, // the user's session String layoutType, // the type of layout, e.g. ADD_PROBLEM int areaId, // the ID of the area int projectId ) // the ID of the project
This is used in conjunction with the methods setButtonDopeMap and buttonInclusionMap. The returned LinkedHashMap uses custom button names as the keys - the custom button names must not match any built-in button names. There is one entry for each button, in the order that the buttons should appear, subject to the position value. The Map entry value for each button name contains the entries for the button attributes. For each button, the following must be defined in the map:
The built in button names are: