Changing the Configuration
There is an infinite number of ways in which you can alter the configuration of your site. These are discussed in depth within the main body of the documentation. This page is a quick guide to the most common tasks you might want to accomplish.
Task | Instructions |
Add / update user accounts | Admin –> Operational Tasks –> User Account Maintenance |
Change the color theme of the site | Admin –> Initial Setup –> User Interface Themes |
Change the welcome message when users sign on | Admin –> Initial Setup –> Sign On Message |
Upload my company logo | Admin –> Initial Setup –> Upload your Company Logo |
Add or remove fields within my layouts |
Admin –> Site Configuration –> Design Center. Note that you can create new fields within the Design Center utility and alter their permissions. You can also use the Data Dictionary and the Grant Security Privileges utilities for these changes.
Within the Design Center, select the Business Area and Project that contains the layouts, then click on the layout you want to change. To add an existing field to the layout, drag it from the field list to the layout and drop it on the place it is to be rendered. if you want to create a new field, right-click on the slot in the layout and click Create Field |
Add or remove values from lists | Admin –> Operational Tasks –> Manage List Values |
Create / modify reports | Click Reports on the main navigation bar and choose the report type you want to create or click Edit by a report name that you want to change |