Creates a new ExtraView user account
evadduser [“User Id”=value0 “Alternative User Id “=value1 “First Name”=value2
“Last Name”=value3 Password=value4 “Email Address”=value5 Timezone=value6
Language=value7 “Job Title”=value8 “Company Name”=value9 “Address 1″=value10
“Address 2″=value11 City=value12 State/Province=value13 “Zip/Postal Code”=value14
Country=value15 Region=value16 “Work Phone”=value17 “Home Phone”=value18
“Cell Phone”=value19 Fax=value20 Pager=value21 “Area Id”=value22
“Project Id”=value23 “Start Page”=value24 “User Group”=value25] q
evadduser -a
There are three different ways this command may be run, command-line only, with an interactive menu, or in prompt mode.
Command-line only
If the ExtraView behavior setting named ENFORCE_DETAILED_USER_INFO has a value of NO, the following fields are required –
User Id
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
If the ExtraView behavior setting named ENFORCE_DETAILED_USER_INFO has a value of YES, then the following fields also become required –
Company Name
Address 1
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
If all required fields are included on the command line, and a trailing q terminates the command line, the new user will be immediately added to the ExtraView database.
The evuserfields command displays all field names associated with creating new user accounts.
Interactive Menu
With no options specified, evadduser will display a menu of all the fields available for adding a new user account. An asterisk (*) will identify required fields. After a value has been provided for a required field, the asterisk will be removed from the menu.
At the prompt, enter the number of the field to be input. After all desired fields have been entered, type a q at the prompt, and the user account will be submitted to ExtraView to be added to the database.
Prompt Mode
Users are prompted for a value for each field. If the user tries to skip over a field that is required, a warning message is printed, “Must provide a value!”.
Entering b at the prompt will ‘back-up’ to the previous field.
If there are errors after a new user account has been submitted, they will be reported. If a new user is successfully created, the message, “user username inserted”, is printed.
Write permission for the SE_SECURITY_USER security key is required to successfully run this command.
After adding a new user, they must separately be assigned to a minimum of one user role, using the evadd2group command, else they will be given the minimum privileges associated with the user role named in the behavior setting named DEFAULT_USER_GROUP.
The Timezone setting should be given as a number, relative to UTC or GMT time. For example, enter -8 for Pacific Standard Time.
$ evadduser
Enter number or q to submit: 1
User Id? bill.smith
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
*2. First Name 15. Country
*3. Last Name 16. Region
*4. Password 17. Work Phone
*5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
*6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith
Enter number or q to submit: 2
First Name? William
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
*3. Last Name 16. Region
*4. Password 17. Work Phone
*5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
*6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Enter number or q to submit: 3
Last Name? Smith
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
3. Last Name 16. Region
*4. Password 17. Work Phone
*5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
*6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Last Name => Smith
Enter number or q to submit: 4
Confirm Password?
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
3. Last Name 16. Region
4. Password 17. Work Phone
*5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
*6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Last Name => Smith, Password => *****
Enter number or q to submit: 5
Email Address? bill@extraview.com
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
3. Last Name 16. Region
4. Password 17. Work Phone
5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
*6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Last Name => Smith, Password => *****, Email Address => bill@extraview.com
Enter number or q to submit: 6
1. (GMT -12) Eniwetok 15. (GMT 1) Amsterdam
2. (GMT -11) Midway Island 16. (GMT 2) Athens
3. (GMT -10) Hawaii 17. (GMT 3) Moscow
4. (GMT -9) Alaska 18. (GMT 4) Abu Dhabi
5. (GMT -8) Pacific 19. (GMT 5) Ekaterinburg
6. (GMT -7) Mountain 20. (GMT 5:30) Bombay
7. (GMT -6) Central 21. (GMT 6) Colombo
8. (GMT -5) Eastern 22. (GMT 7) Bangkok
9. (GMT -4) Atlantic 23. (GMT 8) Beijing
10. (GMT -3:30) New Foundland 24. (GMT 9) Tokyo
11. (GMT -3) Buenos Aires 25. (GMT 9:30) Darwin
12. (GMT -2) Mid-Atlantic 26. (GMT 10) Sydney
13. (GMT -1) Azores 27. (GMT 11) Magadan
14. (GMT 0) Greenwich 28. (GMT 12) Fiji
Timezone? 5
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
3. Last Name 16. Region
4. Password 17. Work Phone
5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Last Name => Smith, Password => *****, Email Address => bill@extraview.com
Timezone => -8
Enter number or q to submit: 25
1. Administrator
2. Customer
3. Customer Support
4. Engineer
5. IT Support
6. Quality Assurance
Which groups? 3
1. User Id 14. Zip/Postal Code
2. First Name 15. Country
3. Last Name 16. Region
4. Password 17. Work Phone
5. Email Address 18. Home Phone
6. Timezone 19. Cell Phone
7. Language 20. Fax
8. Job Title 21. Pager
9. Company Name 22. Area Id
10. Address 1 23. Project Id
11. Address 2 24. Start Page
12. City 25. User Group
13. State/Province
User Id => bill.smith, First Name => William
Last Name => Smith, Password => *****, Email Address => bill@extraview.com
Timezone => -8
Enter number or q to submit: q
User BILL.SMITH inserted.
User BILL.SMITH added to group.