
Delete an existing issue


evdelete [-B <pathname>] id1 [. . . idn] [idx-idy]


This command allows users to delete one or more issues from the ExtraView database.

Once an issue is deleted, there is no way to access that issue from either the CLI nor the web interface. However, the history of the issue is not deleted. Contact ExtraView support if a deleted issue needs to be recovered.

The file(s) to be deleted can either be specified on the command line, or may be stored in a file. Use one of the three options with any invocation of the command, i.e. either delete issues from a file, from a list of issues entered on the command line, or from a range of issues entered on the command line.

-B <pathname>

<pathname> points to a file containing a list of issue numbers to be deleted, one issue per line. The filename must end in .txt and the full path where the file is stored must be given.

id1 [id2 … idn]

One or more individual issues may be specified on the command line, separated by white space.


A range of issues may be specified, e.g. 21345-21357. USE CAUTION WITH RANGES – it is very easy to accidentally delete a large number of issues.

All ID’s between the starting and the ending numbers must exist for this command to function correctly. If you are not certain of the existence of all ID’s within the range, you can write a script that deletes the issues one-by-one in a loop. For example, in Windows, a script like this will do the job:

FOR /L %i IN (start,step,end) DO evdelete %i

You can write a similar shell script under UNIX or Linux.


Write permission for the PR_RESOLUTION.DELETE_BUTTON security key is required to successfully run this command.


$ evdelete 12352
Issue # 12352 deleted.

The term Issue # in the example is replaced with the data dictionary title for the field named ITEM_ID. If the issue you attempt to delete does not exist, the message “Issue # nnnnn does not exist” is returned.