This section of behavior settings deals with the User settings. The available settings are:
Users menu - User Settings | Typical Value | Description |
ALLOW_PASSWORD_CHG_AT_SIGNON | YES | This setting controls the visibility of the Change Password link on the user sign on screen. If the value is YES, the link is shown, if the value is NO, the link is not shown. Also note this link is inoperable if the setting named LDAP_USER_LOOKUP is equal to YES. |
COMPANY_NAME_LIST_UDF | If this field is populated with the name of a User Defined Field with a display type of list, then the Company Name field on user account administration screens becomes a list, with the values being populated from the UDF. This accompanies the text field for entering company names. The UDF may also be used as a regular field on add and edit screens as well as being used on reports. | |
CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR | NO | When this setting is YES, a prompt appears on the sign on page, with a default message of "Forgotten Password?". When this link is pressed, a mailto the user defined in the setting named EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_ID is started, allowing the user to send a message. When the setting is NO, the prompt does not appear.
This feature may not work correctly with Asian character sets or European accented characters with all email clients. The mailto protocol allows pass-through of non-ASCII characters in the subject and body using the RFC-2047 standard, which is not implemented correctly in many email clients. At this time, the only mail client that appears to be fully compliant with the standard is Mozilla Thunderbird. The standard does not appear to be implemented correctly or fully in Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Communicator, or Eudora. The RFC-2047 allows the specification of the character set for the subject and body (and other header fields) for the mailto protocol URI. The character set that ExtraView uses is the character set specified in the EMAIL_CHARACTER_SET behavior setting, or UTF-8 if this is not specified. RFC-2047 only comes into play for these fields when non-7-bit-printable ASCII appear in the subject and/or body fields. Thus, the fields will be encoded when double-byte or European accented characters are present in those fields. ExtraView uses the "B" (base64) encoding in all cases to transmit non-ASCII characters. |
DEFAULT_START_PAGE | Home Page | This setting allows the Start Page to default to one of the following places - the Home Page, the Query Screen, the Add Issue screen or the Administration screen. This is only used for creating a new user and setting their default start page. The value of Home Page is the system default. It is possible for the administrator to add additional start page values through the administration utility which may also be selected as the default start page at this time |
ENABLE_PRIVACY_GROUPS | YES | Turn the Privacy Group feature on and off. Valid values are YES and NO. If you set NO, then user administration screens will not offer the ability to set privacy groups for users, and you will not be able to create and maintain privacy groups |
ENFORCE_DETAILED_USER_INFO | NO | This turns extra fields on for mandatory field checking on user account screen. Valid values are YES and NO. Note that although the user's primary email address may be mandatory when this value is YES, it is not mandatory to enter the primary email address when the setting EMAIL_NOTIFICATION is set to NO |
IGNORE_DEACTIVATED_USER_FIELDS | ORIGINATOR | This is a delimited list of fields with a display type of USER. Users will not be warned if they edit an issue which has a field in this list with a deactivated user. If a USER field does not appear in this list, the user will always be warned if the field has a deactivated user, when they edit the issue. |
OMITTED_IMPORT_USER_COLUMNS | This is a comma-separated list of column names in the table named security_user. The list of columns named here will be ignored when an XML export file is imported into a target database. Thus fields that are frequently altered by a user, such as SECURITY_PASSWORD, will not be overwritten during the import of data. Note that this setting should be set in the target system that is importing the data. It is not referenced when exporting the data. The topic on import and export has a complete list of the fields you can reference. You should not omit the SECURITY_USER_ID or the LOGIN_ID fields from the export, else you will not be able to successfully migrate users with the XML export / import | |
USER_DEFINED_START_PAGE | YES | If this is set to YES, the user is allowed to set their start page when entering ExtraView, to a commonly used page such as the Home Page, the Add Issue screen or the Search / Report screen. This is set on their personal preferences page |
USERNAME_DISPLAY | FIRST | Display choice for user names (ID, LOGINID, FIRST, LAST). For example, if the users name is Mary Jones and their user ID is MSMITH, and their Alternative ID is MJONES then ID would display msmith, LOGINID would display mjones, FIRST would display Mary Jones and LAST would display Jones, Mary |
USER_ADMIN_DISPLAY_COLUMNS | The default list of fields displayed on the user accounts maintenance screen is: User ID, User Name, Email Address, Company, Enabled, License type, Last access, Date Created, Date Last Updated. If you want to alter this list, you can place a list of the fields from the database table security_user in this setting. The valid fields you can place on the screen are chosen from:
SECURITY_USER_ID (User ID) In addition, there are two further “pseudo columns” that can be chosen: DISPLAY_NAME – the full name of the user (first name plus last name) |
USER_LIST_DISPLAY | LIST | POPUP or LIST. If POPUP, then users are selected for adding and updating issues via a popup window. If LIST, the user names appear in a select list. Typically, if you have a large number of users, you will use POPUP |
USER_POPUP_COLUMNS | YES | The fields displayed in a user search popup window are configurable using this setting. This setting takes a list of fields (using the schema column names) from the security_user table and presents these to the user. If there is no value provided for this setting, then the following fields are displayed: User ID, Name, Phone, Email address, Company name, Pager and Mobile number. You can select from any of the following fields: USER_ID |
USER_SELF_REGISTRATION | YES | You can allow your users to self-register, or you can be the registrar. When this is set to Yes, a prompt appears on the Sign On screen, allowing a user to navigate to a page where they can register themselves as a user in ExtraView. When a user registers in this way, they will only be given the privileges of the user role defined in the behavior setting named LIMITED_USER_ROLE, but no user role is set in their account. When a user self-registers, an email is sent to an administrator, as defined by the following settings with Email Settings on the Email Notification administration menu.
The user created will be in the business area and project defined by those of the ADMIN user account. Note that for users to be able to self-register, that the GUEST user role must have read and write permission to user fields. The most important of these is USER.USER_LAST_NAME. The user's default AREA and PROJECT is assigned from the behaviour settings named SELF_REG_DEFAULT_AREA and SELF_REG_DEFAULT_PROJECT. You should ensure that these behavior settings have valid entries when you wish to allow users to self-register. |