
ExtraView has been designed to work in a global setting. The following attributes should be understood when looking at ExtraView working over multiple countries and languages:

  • Time zones - There is support for every time zone around the world. Each user can select the time zone within which he is working. ExtraView will account for time zones in all its calculations. For example, if you have two users in different time zones, and one updates an issue in the Pacific Time zone, and the other views the issue in the European Central time zone, the user in the European Central time zone will see the issue expressed in their time zone. There is support for two types of date fields; fields with a display type of date will always be corrected as just mentioned. There are also day fields where no correction is made for time. This can be used for events such as a birth date where you never want to correct for time zone
  • Locales - You can set up as many locales as you require. Each user will belong to a single locale. For example, you may have users in Japan, Great Britain and Germany. Each user will see date formats in their own locale, with no resulting confusion because of the differing and conflicting date formats in use over the world. If Extraview has been localized for a specific locale, then a user who sets that locale will see all the localized messages. In this way different users in different countries can all see and use ExtraView within their own language
  • Automatic translation of data - It is possible to configure different text area fields where a field in one language within one field may automatically be translated to a different language in a different field. This uses Google's web service API to perform the translation