The HTML Area Utility

The HTML Area is available to as an editor for HTML, allowing you to enter rich text or HTML without knowing the HTML code set. It offers many features similar to a word processor, and allows you to switch to directly edit HTML.

Your administrator will have selected one of three available toolbars or might have customized a toolbar solely for your company's use.  These are shown in the following screenshots.  The HTML Area utility makes use of scripts that run within the browser, and according to the security settings of the browser, you may need to acknowledge that it is OK to run these scripts.

Basic Toolbar

Standard Toolbar

Full Toolbar

The use of the HTML Area field is intuitive.  Just enter text and use the buttons on the toolbar to provide the formatting.  The available toolbar buttons are:


Basic Standard Full Button Function
Toggle bold on and off for the selected text
Toggle italic text on and off for the selected text
Toggle underlined text on and off for the selected text
Remove text formatting from the selected text
Toggle a numbered list for the selected text
Togle a bulleted list for the selected text
Add a link to the selected text
Remove the link from the selected text
Print the contents of the HTML Area
  Toggle the display mode between "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" and HTML source views
  Cut the selected text to the clipboard
  Copy the selected text to the clipboard
  Paste the text from the clipboard to the cursor position
  Paste the text, as plain unformatted text, from the clipboard to the cursor position
  Paste text from Microsoft Office documents - this will remove the obscure formatting that Microsoft Office documents often contain
  Undo the last operation
  Redo the last operation that was undone
  Use a style from the list.  Note that there are interdependencies with the Style, Format, Font and Size lists.  Not all combinations work with all computers, as your browser, or computer operating system may not support the combination you choose
  Format the text from the selections within the list.  Note that there are interdependencies with the Style, Format, Font and Size lists.  Not all combinations work with all computers, as your browser, or computer operating system may not support the combination you choose
  Select a font from the selections within the list.  Note that there are interdependencies with the Style, Format, Font and Size lists.  Not all combinations work with all computers, as your browser, or computer operating system may not support the combination you choose
  Set a size for the text from the selections within the list.  Note that there are interdependencies with the Style, Format, Font and Size lists.  Not all combinations work with all computers, as your browser, or computer operating system may not support the combination you choose
  Set a color for the selected text
  Set a background color for the selected text
  Mximize / Restore the size of the HTML Area within the browser
  Strikeout the selected text
  Subscript the selected text
  Superscript the selected text
  Outdent the selected text
  Indent the selected text
  Place the selected text in blockquotes
  Place the selected text in an HTML DIV
  Left-justify the selected text
  Center-justify the selected text
  Right-justify the selected text
  Full-justify the selected text
  Insert an HTML text anchor tag
  Insert an image
  Insert a table
  Insert a horizontal rule
  Insert a smiley face
  Insert a character symbol
  Insert an HTML Iframe
    Search for text within the HTML Area field
    Search and replace text within the HTML Area field
    Select all the text within the HTML Area field
    Text direction goes from left-to-right (the default)
    Text direction goes from right-to-left
    Insert a page-break for printing