Navigation Bar

The ExtraView main navigation bar appears at the top of most screens throughout the application. It allows instant access to the main functions of ExtraView. The navigation bar may be customized to any one of a large number of themes, so the following screenshots are representative of the functions as opposed to the color, size and location of the elements. Not all of the elements may be present in your installation as they depend on permissions and the configuration that your administrator has created.

Navigation Buttons

This list shows the standard buttons within the navigation bar.  Your administrator may have configured different buttons, with different purposes on the navigation bar.  This includes the presentation of a navigation bar that has "drop-down" selections.

  • Home: The user’s personal Home page
  • Add: Allows users to enter new issues into the database
  • Query: Allows users to search the database
  • Search: Allows users to create and run reports
  • Workspace: Opens a workspace window where you can perform many ExtraView tasks in a single window
  • Admin or Administration: Allows Administrative users to configure ExtraView for the entire organization. As a user you may not have access to this area of ExtraView Help: Allows users to access ExtraView’s online help system
  • Sign Off: Click the Sign Off button to log out and return ExtraView to the Sign On screen.

Other Elements

Drilldown Box: If you know the ID number of the issue you would like to see, you can enter the issue ID into the selection box on the menu and press the Enter key or click on the Go button with your mouse. When you do this, a detailed report for the issue is displayed in the window. Your administrator may not have configured the Go button to be visible on your installation.

Account: Your name that you are signed on with appears on the navigation bar. This is also a link to your personal options. Clicking on your name accesses your personal options

Roles: Provided you have access to more than one user role, you will see a select list which contains all the roles you may adopt. When you select a new role, you are taken to the Home Page, and your role is reset

Business Areas / Projects: Provided you have access to more than one Business Area and/or Project, you will see a select list which contains all the Business Areas and Projects you may adopt. When you select a new Business Area and/or Project, you are taken to the Home Page, and your current Business Area and/or Project is reset

Report List: If your administrator has turned this feature on, you will see a list of public and personal reports that you may run. Simply select the report you want to run from the list and a new window will open with the results of the report

Menubar: This is a set of buttons that will alter as you alter the page you are viewing in ExtraView. It will offer a range of options that is relevant to the screen you are looking at.

Note: Button names and the name of the ID within the ExtraView Menu frame may be altered to reflect your company’s terminology. Your Administrator can also choose to display the ExtraView Menu as a horizontal screen menu, if this is preferred.

Personal Options

Click on your name in the navigation bar to access your personal options on the the Change a user’s details screen. See this page for details on how you manage your personal options.


On the navigation bar, you may also have a list of roles that are available for you to adopt. This list of roles is the ones that the administrator allows you to adopt for different purposes. For example, you might have several roles, each corresponding to the use of a different Business Area. Simply click on the role you wish to adopt. If you have only been enabled for a single role, you will not find any links on this list, and you will not be able to change your role.

Business Areas and Projects

If this is enabled as an option on your navigation bar, then this list offers you the ability to move into a new Business Area and a corresponding Project. Depending on the configuration, you may or may not see this select list, or you may only see Business Areas and not Projects. The only Business Areas and Projects which will be visible will be those to which the Administrator has granted you access.


There may also be a list of reports that you can run from the navigation bar. If this is present, simply select a report from the list and this will be run immediately.