ucModifyDetailed ReportRow
ucModifyDetailedReportRow is used to modify the results of a detailed report
Applies To
Search & Reporting screens
public HashMap ucModifyDetailedReportRow(
Connection dbConn, // database connection
SesameSession session, // the current session object
HashMap row) // the hashmap containing the fields
throws Exception
The results set is passed into the method as a hashmap for each record to be displayed. The hashmap contains all the objects to be displayed on the report, with the data dictionary name being the key to each entry. You may modify any entry in the hashmap and then you return the hashmap for the results to be rendered
public HashMap ucModifyDetailedReportRow (Connection dbConn,
SesameSession session,
HashMap row) {
// If we're outputting to the browser or to Word,
// we will send out the mini history html
if ("HTML".equalsIgnoreCase(session.getAttribute(
"REPORT_OUTPUTTYPE").toString() ) ||
"REPORT_OUTPUTTYPE").toString() ) ) {
if (row.get("MINI_HISTORY.TEXT") != null) {
row.put("MINI_HISTORY", getMiniHistory(dbConn, session, row) );
return row;
return super.ucModifyDetailedReportRow(dbConn, session, row);