ExtraView maintains statistics on key information. Statistics are accessed via the Administration menu, under the System Controls tab.
Click Statistics to view the statistics.
The page is divided into 5 main sections: User Statistics, Issue Statistics, File Attachments, Background Time Counts, and Background Frequencies
User Statistics section
- Total number of users (active and inactive). This is the total number of users stored in ExtraView’s database. It includes both active and deactivated user accounts.
- Number of active users. This is the number of active user accounts, and excludes deactivated accounts.
- Number of active customer users. This is the number of active users, in the user role specified by the behavior setting named LIMITED_USER_ROLE.
- Number of internal (non-customer) users. This is the number of users who are allocated to users groups other than the LIMITED_USER_ROLE. If a user is allocated to both LIMITED_USER_ROLE and any other group, they will appear in this total.
- Number of active users in user role group_name. This is the number of active users in the user role named group_name.
Issue Statistics section
File Attachments section
Background Time Counts
Background Frequencies
The Background Time Counts and Frequencies match those shown in EVSTATS for individual services, but they are accumulated for any task that runs in the background, such as SESSION_MONITOR, TASK_CONTROL, FULL_TEXT_SYNCHRONIZE, and BATCHMAIL when run as a background task.
The values are accumulated for the period of time from the most recent instance start of your application server (boot time) to the current time. The database manipulation language (DML) statistics are those used to access or modify the database, in particular, any SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE SQL statements.
The database connection allocation frequency is the number of times a connection is allocated from the ExtraView Connection Pool.