This user custom exit is used to add new buttons with custom code as their action, to the administration utilities.
Applies To
Administration utilities
public String ucAdminUtilityButtons( String utility,
SesameSession session,
Connection dbconn,
HashMap formValues) throws Exception
The parameters are as follows:
— utility = name of the utility, e.g., “FILE_IMPORT”
— session = the current session (used for building URL’s, for example)
— dbconn = current database connection
— formValues = the form values from the request initiating the utility
The return value from the method must be a well-formed HTML string that will appear within the menubar of the utility screen. The button’s target URL must follow the usual rules for ExtraView if the ExtraView instance is the target, that is, the session_id, p_action and p_option paramters must be included.