
Update of external database objects or anything that requires the change to be committed is best done at this point

Applies To

Edit Issue screen


public void ucEditPostUpdate (
      Problem pProblem, 	// the problem or case
      ArrayList pReleases, 	// the list of releases
      ArrayList pModules,	// the list of modules
      ArrayList pUdfs, 		// the list of UDF's
      SesameSession session)    // the current Sesame Session


This is called during the edit process after the main problem update, but before email is generated


  public void ucEditPostUpdate (
                       Problem item,                    // the item or case
                       ArrayList releases,              // the list of releases
                       ArrayList modules,               // the list of modules
                       ArrayList udfs,                  // the list of UDF's
                       SesameSession session) {         // the current sesameSession
        super.ucEditPostUpdate(item, releases, modules, udfs, session);

        String areaId = null;
        String projectId = null;
        String status = null;
        String category = null;

        if (item != null) {
            areaId = item.getAreaId();
            projectId = item.getProjctId();
            status = item.getStatus();
            category = item.getCategory();

        String oldStatus = (String) session.getAttribute("UC__OLD_STATUS");

        // send email only on new closure of record
        if (A_IT.equals(areaId) && "CLOSED".equals(status) 
            && ! "CLOSED".equals(oldStatus) 
            && "IT_LICENSE_KEY_DELIVERY".equals(category) ) {
            sendLicenseKeyEmail(item, udfs, session);