This display is used on the user account administration screen. This method can be used to customized the tab titles on the screen.
Applies To
User Account Display
public String[] ucUAGetNewTitles(Connection dbConn, SesameSession session)
throws Exception
This method returns a one dimension String array. The caller specifies the tab title for the desired tab position and leaves the remainder of the array positions with a null value. The null entry implies there is no replacement of the standard title with a user defined title for that tab position. The base code uses the following titles: [0] – Basic Information [1] – Personal Options [2] – Report Options [3] – Notification Options [4] – Privacy Groups [5] – Attributes
This example changes the last tab title which has a default title of ATTRIBUTES to MY ATTRIBUTES.
public String[] ucUAGetNewTitles(Connection dbconn, SesameSession session)
throws Exception {
String[] newTitles = new String[6];
newTitles[5] = Z.m.msg(session, "My Attributes");// note the use of Z.m.msg to
// provide a localizable title
return newTitles;